main.cxx - systemtap

Global variables defined

Functions defined

Macros defined

Source code

// systemtap translator/driver
// Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Red Hat Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2005 IBM Corp.
// Copyright (C) 2006 Intel Corporation.
// This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
// Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
// later version.

#include "config.h"
#include "staptree.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "elaborate.h"
#include "translate.h"
#include "buildrun.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "coveragedb.h"
#include "rpm_finder.h"
#include "task_finder.h"
#include "csclient.h"
#include "remote.h"
#include "tapsets.h"
#include "setupdwfl.h"

#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>

#include "stap-probe.h"

#include <cstdlib>

extern "C" {
#include <glob.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wordexp.h>

using namespace std;

static void
uniq_list(list<string>& l)
  set<string> s;
  list<string>::iterator i = l.begin();
  while (i != l.end())
    if (s.insert(*i).second)
      i = l.erase(i);

static void
printscript(systemtap_session& s, ostream& o)
  if (s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes ||
      s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes_vars)
      // We go through some heroic measures to produce clean output.
      // Record the alias and probe pointer as <name, set<derived_probe *> >
      map<string,set<derived_probe *> > probe_list;

      // Pre-process the probe alias
      for (unsigned i=0; i<s.probes.size(); i++)

          derived_probe* p = s.probes[i];
          vector<probe*> chain;
          p->collect_derivation_chain (chain);

          if (s.verbose > 2) {
            p->printsig(cerr); cerr << endl;
            cerr << "chain[" << chain.size() << "]:" << endl;
            for (unsigned j=0; j<chain.size(); j++)
                cerr << "  [" << j << "]: " << endl;
                cerr << "\tlocations[" << chain[j]->locations.size() << "]:" << endl;
                for (unsigned k=0; k<chain[j]->locations.size(); k++)
                    cerr << "\t  [" << k << "]: ";
                    cerr << endl;
                const probe_alias *a = chain[j]->get_alias();
                if (a)
                    cerr << "\taliases[" << a->alias_names.size() << "]:" << endl;
                    for (unsigned k=0; k<a->alias_names.size(); k++)
                        cerr << "\t  [" << k << "]: ";
                        cerr << endl;

          const string& pp = lex_cast(*p->script_location());

          // PR16730: We should only list probes that can be traced back to the
          // user's spec, not any auxiliary probes in the tapsets.
          // Also, do not want to the probes that are from the additional
          // scripts (-E SCRIPT) to be listed.
          if (!s.is_primary_probe(p))

          // Now duplicate-eliminate.  An alias may have expanded to
          // several actual derived probe points, but we only want to
          // print the alias head name once.

      // print probe name and variables if there
      for (map<string, set<derived_probe *> >::iterator it=probe_list.begin(); it!=probe_list.end(); ++it)
          o << it->first; // probe name or alias

          // Print the locals and arguments for -L mode only
          if (s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes_vars)
              map<string,unsigned> var_count; // format <"name:type",count>
              map<string,unsigned> arg_count;
              list<string> var_list;
              list<string> arg_list;
              // traverse set<derived_probe *> to collect all locals and arguments
              for (set<derived_probe *>::iterator ix=it->second.begin(); ix!=it->second.end(); ++ix)
                  derived_probe* p = *ix;
                  // collect available locals of the probe
                  for (unsigned j=0; j<p->locals.size(); j++)
                      stringstream tmps;
                      vardecl* v = p->locals[j];
                      v->printsig (tmps);
                  // collect arguments of the probe if there
                  list<string> arg_set;
                  for (list<string>::iterator ia=arg_set.begin(); ia!=arg_set.end(); ++ia) {


              // print the set-intersection only
              for (list<string>::iterator ir=var_list.begin(); ir!=var_list.end(); ++ir)
                if (var_count.find(*ir)->second == it->second.size()) // print locals
                  o << " " << *ir;
              for (list<string>::iterator ir=arg_list.begin(); ir!=arg_list.end(); ++ir)
                if (arg_count.find(*ir)->second == it->second.size()) // print arguments
                  o << " " << *ir;
          o << endl;
      if (s.embeds.size() > 0)
        o << _("# global embedded code") << endl;
      for (unsigned i=0; i<s.embeds.size(); i++)
          embeddedcode* ec = s.embeds[i];
          ec->print (o);
          o << endl;

      if (s.globals.size() > 0)
        o << _("# globals") << endl;
      for (unsigned i=0; i<s.globals.size(); i++)
          vardecl* v = s.globals[i];
          v->printsig (o);
          if (s.verbose && v->init)
              o << " = ";
          o << endl;

      if (s.functions.size() > 0)
        o << _("# functions") << endl;
      for (map<string,functiondecl*>::iterator it = s.functions.begin(); it != s.functions.end(); it++)
          functiondecl* f = it->second;
          f->printsig (o);
          o << endl;
          if (f->locals.size() > 0)
            o << _("  # locals") << endl;
          for (unsigned j=0; j<f->locals.size(); j++)
              vardecl* v = f->locals[j];
              o << "  ";
              v->printsig (o);
              o << endl;
          if (s.verbose)
              f->body->print (o);
              o << endl;

      if (s.probes.size() > 0)
        o << _("# probes") << endl;
      for (unsigned i=0; i<s.probes.size(); i++)
          derived_probe* p = s.probes[i];
          p->printsig (o);
          o << endl;
          if (p->locals.size() > 0)
            o << _("  # locals") << endl;
          for (unsigned j=0; j<p->locals.size(); j++)
              vardecl* v = p->locals[j];
              o << "  ";
              v->printsig (o);
              o << endl;
          if (s.verbose)
              p->body->print (o);
              o << endl;

int pending_interrupts;

extern "C"
void handle_interrupt (int sig)
  // This might be nice, but we don't know our current verbosity...
  // clog << _F("Received signal %d", sig) << endl << flush;

  pending_interrupts ++;
  // Absorb the first two signals.   This used to be one, but when
  // stap is run under sudo, and then interrupted, sudo relays a
  // redundant copy of the signal to stap, leading to an unclean shutdown.
  if (pending_interrupts > 2) // XXX: should be configurable? time-based?
      char msg[] = "Too many interrupts received, exiting.\n";
      int rc = write (2, msg, sizeof(msg)-1);
      if (rc) {/* Do nothing; we don't care if our last gasp went out. */ ;}
      _exit (1);

setup_signals (sighandler_t handler)
  struct sigaction sa;

  memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
  sa.sa_handler = handler;
  sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
  if (handler != SIG_IGN)
      sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, SIGHUP);
      sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, SIGPIPE);
      sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, SIGINT);
      sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, SIGTERM);
      sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, SIGXFSZ);
      sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, SIGXCPU);
  sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;

  sigaction (SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
  sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
  sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
  sigaction (SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
  sigaction (SIGXFSZ, &sa, NULL);
  sigaction (SIGXCPU, &sa, NULL);

static void*
sdt_benchmark_thread(void* p)
  unsigned long i = *(unsigned long*)p;
  PROBE(stap, benchmark__thread__start);
  while (i--)
    PROBE1(stap, benchmark, i);
  PROBE(stap, benchmark__thread__end);
  return NULL;

static int
run_sdt_benchmark(systemtap_session& s)
  unsigned long loops = s.benchmark_sdt_loops ?: 10000000;
  unsigned long threads = s.benchmark_sdt_threads ?: 1;

  if (s.verbose > 0)
    clog << _F("Beginning SDT benchmark with %lu loops in %lu threads.",
               loops, threads) << endl;

  struct tms tms_before, tms_after;
  struct timeval tv_before, tv_after;
  unsigned _sc_clk_tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
  times (& tms_before);
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);

  PROBE(stap, benchmark__start);

  pthread_t pthreads[threads];
  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < threads; ++i)
    pthread_create(&pthreads[i], NULL, sdt_benchmark_thread, &loops);
  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < threads; ++i)
    pthread_join(pthreads[i], NULL);

  PROBE(stap, benchmark__end);

  times (& tms_after);
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);
  if (s.verbose > 0)
    clog << _F("Completed SDT benchmark in %ldusr/%ldsys/%ldreal ms.",
               (long)(tms_after.tms_utime - tms_before.tms_utime) * 1000 / _sc_clk_tck,
               (long)(tms_after.tms_stime - tms_before.tms_stime) * 1000 / _sc_clk_tck,
               (long)((tv_after.tv_sec - tv_before.tv_sec) * 1000 +
                ((long)tv_after.tv_usec - (long)tv_before.tv_usec) / 1000))
         << endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

// Compilation passes 0 through 4
static int
passes_0_4 (systemtap_session &s)
  int rc = 0;

  // If we don't know the release, there's no hope either locally or on a server.
  if (s.kernel_release.empty())
      if (s.kernel_build_tree.empty())
        cerr << _("ERROR: kernel release isn't specified") << endl;
        cerr << _F("ERROR: kernel release isn't found in \"%s\"",
                   s.kernel_build_tree.c_str()) << endl;
      return 1;

  // Perform passes 0 through 4 using a compile server?
  if (! s.specified_servers.empty ())
      compile_server_client client (s);
      return client.passes_0_4 ();
      s.print_warning(_("Without NSS, using a compile-server is not supported by this version of systemtap"));

      // This cannot be an attempt to use a server after a local compile failed
      // since --use-server-on-error is locked to 'no' if we don't have
      // NSS.
      assert (! s.try_server ());
      s.print_warning(_("Ignoring --use-server"));

  // PASS 0: setting up
  s.verbose = s.perpass_verbose[0];
  PROBE1(stap, pass0__start, &s);

  // For PR1477, we used to override $PATH and $LC_ALL and other stuff
  // here.  We seem to use complete pathnames in
  // buildrun.cxx/tapsets.cxx now, so this is not necessary.  Further,
  // it interferes with util.cxx:find_executable(), used for $PATH
  // resolution.

  s.kernel_base_release.assign(s.kernel_release, 0, s.kernel_release.find('-'));

  // Update various paths to include the sysroot, if provided.
  if (!s.sysroot.empty())
      if (s.update_release_sysroot && !s.sysroot.empty())
        s.kernel_build_tree = s.sysroot + s.kernel_build_tree;

  // Now that no further changes to s.kernel_build_tree can occur, let's use it.
  if (s.runtime_mode == systemtap_session::kernel_runtime) {
    if ((rc = s.parse_kernel_config ()) != 0
        || (rc = s.parse_kernel_exports ()) != 0
        || (rc = s.parse_kernel_functions ()) != 0)
        // Try again with a server
        s.set_try_server ();
        return rc;

  // Create the name of the C source file within the temporary
  // directory.  Note the _src prefix, explained in
  // buildrun.cxx:compile_pass()
  s.translated_source = string(s.tmpdir) + "/" + s.module_name + "_src.c";

  PROBE1(stap, pass0__end, &s);

  struct tms tms_before;
  times (& tms_before);
  struct timeval tv_before;
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);

  PROBE1(stap, pass1a__start, &s);

  // We need to handle the library scripts first because this pass
  // gathers information on .stpm files that might be needed to
  // parse the user script.

  // We need to first ascertain the status of the user script, though.
  struct stat user_file_stat;
  int user_file_stat_rc = -1;

  if (s.script_file == "-")
      user_file_stat_rc = fstat (STDIN_FILENO, & user_file_stat);
  else if (s.script_file != "")
      user_file_stat_rc = stat (s.script_file.c_str(), & user_file_stat);
  // otherwise, rc is 0 for a command line script

  vector<string> version_suffixes;
  if (s.runtime_mode == systemtap_session::kernel_runtime)
      // Construct kernel-versioning search path
      string kvr = s.kernel_release;

      // add full kernel-version-release (2.6.NN-FOOBAR)
      version_suffixes.push_back ("/" + kvr);

      // add kernel version (2.6.NN)
      if (kvr != s.kernel_base_release)
          kvr = s.kernel_base_release;
          version_suffixes.push_back ("/" + kvr);

      // add kernel family (2.6)
      string::size_type dot1_index = kvr.find ('.');
      string::size_type dot2_index = kvr.rfind ('.');
      while (dot2_index > dot1_index && dot2_index != string::npos)
          version_suffixes.push_back ("/" + kvr);
          dot2_index = kvr.rfind ('.');

  // add empty string as last element
  version_suffixes.push_back ("");

  // Add arch variants of every path, just before each
  const string& arch = s.architecture;
  for (unsigned i=0; i<version_suffixes.size(); i+=2)
    version_suffixes.insert(version_suffixes.begin() + i,
                            version_suffixes[i] + "/" + arch);

  // Add runtime variants of every path, before everything else
  string runtime_prefix;
  if (s.runtime_mode == systemtap_session::kernel_runtime)
    runtime_prefix = "/linux";
  else if (s.runtime_mode == systemtap_session::dyninst_runtime)
    runtime_prefix = "/dyninst";
  if (!runtime_prefix.empty())
    for (unsigned i=0; i<version_suffixes.size(); i+=2)
      version_suffixes.insert(version_suffixes.begin() + i/2,
                              runtime_prefix + version_suffixes[i]);

  // First, parse .stpm files on the include path. We need to have the
  // resulting macro definitions available for parsing library files,
  // but since .stpm files can consist only of '@define' constructs,
  // we can parse each one without reference to the others.
  set<pair<dev_t, ino_t> > seen_library_macro_files;
  set<string> seen_library_macro_files_names;

  for (unsigned i=0; i<s.include_path.size(); i++)
      // now iterate upon it
      for (unsigned k=0; k<version_suffixes.size(); k++)
          glob_t globbuf;
          string dir = s.include_path[i] + version_suffixes[k] + "/*.stpm";
          int r = glob(dir.c_str (), 0, NULL, & globbuf);
          if (r == GLOB_NOSPACE || r == GLOB_ABORTED)
            rc ++;
          // GLOB_NOMATCH is acceptable

          unsigned prev_s_library_files = s.library_files.size();

          for (unsigned j=0; j<globbuf.gl_pathc; j++)

              struct stat tapset_file_stat;
              int stat_rc = stat (globbuf.gl_pathv[j], & tapset_file_stat);
              if (stat_rc == 0 && user_file_stat_rc == 0 &&
                  user_file_stat.st_dev == tapset_file_stat.st_dev &&
                  user_file_stat.st_ino == tapset_file_stat.st_ino)
                  << _F("usage error: macro tapset file '%s' cannot be run directly as a session script.",
                        globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;
                  rc ++;

              // PR11949: duplicate-eliminate tapset files
              if (stat_rc == 0)
                  pair<dev_t,ino_t> here = make_pair(tapset_file_stat.st_dev,
                  if (seen_library_macro_files.find(here) != seen_library_macro_files.end()) {
                    if (s.verbose>2)
                      clog << _F("Skipping tapset \"%s\", duplicate inode.", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;
                  seen_library_macro_files.insert (here);

              // PR12443: duplicate-eliminate harder
              string full_path = globbuf.gl_pathv[j];
              string tapset_base = s.include_path[i]; // not dir; it has arch suffixes too
              if (full_path.size() > tapset_base.size()) {
                string tail_part = full_path.substr(tapset_base.size());
                if (seen_library_macro_files_names.find (tail_part) != seen_library_macro_files_names.end()) {
                  if (s.verbose>2)
                      clog << _F("Skipping tapset \"%s\", duplicate name.", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;
                seen_library_macro_files_names.insert (tail_part);

              if (s.verbose>2)
                clog << _F("Processing tapset \"%s\"", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;

              stapfile* f = parse_library_macros (s, globbuf.gl_pathv[j]);
              if (f == 0)
                s.print_warning(_F("macro tapset \"%s\" has errors, and will be skipped.", string(globbuf.gl_pathv[j]).c_str()));
                s.library_files.push_back (f);

          unsigned next_s_library_files = s.library_files.size();
          if (s.verbose>1 && globbuf.gl_pathc > 0)
            //TRANSLATORS: Searching through directories, 'processed' means 'examined so far'
            clog << _F("Searched for library macro files: \"%s\", found: %zu, processed: %u",
                       dir.c_str(), globbuf.gl_pathc,
                       (next_s_library_files-prev_s_library_files)) << endl;

          globfree (&globbuf);

  // Next, gather and parse the library files.
  set<pair<dev_t, ino_t> > seen_library_files;
  set<string> seen_library_files_names;

  for (unsigned i=0; i<s.include_path.size(); i++)
      unsigned tapset_flags = pf_guru | pf_squash_errors;

      // The first path is special, as it's the builtin tapset.
      // Allow all features no matter what s.compatible says.
      if (i == 0)
        tapset_flags |= pf_no_compatible;

      // now iterate upon it
      for (unsigned k=0; k<version_suffixes.size(); k++)
          glob_t globbuf;
          string dir = s.include_path[i] + version_suffixes[k] + "/*.stp";
          int r = glob(dir.c_str (), 0, NULL, & globbuf);
          if (r == GLOB_NOSPACE || r == GLOB_ABORTED)
        rc ++;
      // GLOB_NOMATCH is acceptable

          unsigned prev_s_library_files = s.library_files.size();

          for (unsigned j=0; j<globbuf.gl_pathc; j++)

              struct stat tapset_file_stat;
              int stat_rc = stat (globbuf.gl_pathv[j], & tapset_file_stat);
              if (stat_rc == 0 && user_file_stat_rc == 0 &&
                  user_file_stat.st_dev == tapset_file_stat.st_dev &&
                  user_file_stat.st_ino == tapset_file_stat.st_ino)
                  << _F("usage error: tapset file '%s' cannot be run directly as a session script.",
                        globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;
                  rc ++;

              // PR11949: duplicate-eliminate tapset files
              if (stat_rc == 0)
                  pair<dev_t,ino_t> here = make_pair(tapset_file_stat.st_dev,
                  if (seen_library_files.find(here) != seen_library_files.end()) {
                    if (s.verbose>2)
                      clog << _F("Skipping tapset \"%s\", duplicate inode.", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;
                  seen_library_files.insert (here);

              // PR12443: duplicate-eliminate harder
              string full_path = globbuf.gl_pathv[j];
              string tapset_base = s.include_path[i]; // not dir; it has arch suffixes too
              if (full_path.size() > tapset_base.size()) {
                string tail_part = full_path.substr(tapset_base.size());
                if (seen_library_files_names.find (tail_part) != seen_library_files_names.end()) {
                  if (s.verbose>2)
                      clog << _F("Skipping tapset \"%s\", duplicate name.", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;
                seen_library_files_names.insert (tail_part);

              if (s.verbose>2)
                clog << _F("Processing tapset \"%s\"", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]) << endl;

              // NB: we don't need to restrict privilege only for /usr/share/systemtap, i.e.,
              // excluding user-specified $XDG_DATA_DIRS.  That's because stapdev gets
              // root-equivalent privileges anyway; stapsys and stapusr use a remote compilation
              // with a trusted environment, where client-side $XDG_DATA_DIRS are not passed.

              stapfile* f = parse (s, globbuf.gl_pathv[j], tapset_flags);
              if (f == 0)
                s.print_warning(_F("tapset \"%s\" has errors, and will be skipped", string(globbuf.gl_pathv[j]).c_str()));
                s.library_files.push_back (f);

          unsigned next_s_library_files = s.library_files.size();
          if (s.verbose>1 && globbuf.gl_pathc > 0)
            //TRANSLATORS: Searching through directories, 'processed' means 'examined so far'
            clog << _F("Searched: \"%s\", found: %zu, processed: %u",
                       dir.c_str(), globbuf.gl_pathc,
                       (next_s_library_files-prev_s_library_files)) << endl;

          globfree (& globbuf);
  if (s.num_errors())
    rc ++;

  PROBE1(stap, pass1b__start, &s);

  // Only try to parse a user script if the user provided one, or if we have to
  // make one (as is the case for listing mode). Otherwise, s.user_script
  // remains NULL.
  if (!s.script_file.empty() ||
      !s.cmdline_script.empty() ||
      s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes ||
      s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes_vars)
      unsigned user_flags = s.guru_mode ? pf_guru : 0;
      if (s.script_file == "-")
          s.user_files.push_back (parse (s, "<input>", cin, user_flags));
      else if (s.script_file != "")
          s.user_files.push_back (parse (s, s.script_file, user_flags));
      else if (s.cmdline_script != "")
          istringstream ii (s.cmdline_script);
          s.user_files.push_back(parse (s, "<input>", ii, user_flags));
      else // listing mode
          istringstream ii ("probe " + s.dump_matched_pattern + " {}");
          s.user_files.push_back (parse (s, "<input>", ii, user_flags));

      // parses the additional script(s) (-E script). does so even if in listing
      // mode, incase there is something special in the additional script(s),
      // like a macro or alias. give them a unique name to differentiate the
      // scripts that were inputted.
      unsigned count = 1;
      for (vector<string>::iterator script = s.additional_scripts.begin(); script != s.additional_scripts.end(); script++)
          string input_name = "<input" + lex_cast(count) + ">";
          istringstream ii (*script);
          s.user_files.push_back(parse (s, input_name, ii, user_flags));
          count ++;

      for(vector<stapfile*>::iterator it = s.user_files.begin(); it != s.user_files.end(); it++)
          if (!(*it))
              // Syntax errors already printed.
              rc ++;

  // Dump a list of probe aliases picked up, if requested
  if (s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_probe_aliases)
      set<string> aliases;
      vector<stapfile*>::const_iterator file;
      for (file  = s.library_files.begin();
           file != s.library_files.end(); ++file)
          vector<probe_alias*>::const_iterator alias;
          for (alias  = (*file)->aliases.begin();
               alias != (*file)->aliases.end(); ++alias)
              stringstream ss;
              string str = ss.str();
              if (!s.verbose && startswith(str, "_"))

      set<string>::iterator alias;
      for (alias  = aliases.begin();
           alias != aliases.end(); ++alias)
          cout << *alias << endl;
  // Dump the parse tree if this is the last pass
  else if (rc == 0 && s.last_pass == 1)
      cout << _("# parse tree dump") << endl;
      for (vector<stapfile*>::iterator it = s.user_files.begin(); it != s.user_files.end(); it++)
        (*it)->print (cout);
      cout << endl;
      if (s.verbose)
        for (unsigned i=0; i<s.library_files.size(); i++)
            s.library_files[i]->print (cout);
            cout << endl;

  struct tms tms_after;
  times (& tms_after);
  unsigned _sc_clk_tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
  struct timeval tv_after;
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);

#define TIMESPRINT "in " << \
           (tms_after.tms_cutime + tms_after.tms_utime \
            - tms_before.tms_cutime - tms_before.tms_utime) * 1000 / (_sc_clk_tck) << "usr/" \
        << (tms_after.tms_cstime + tms_after.tms_stime \
            - tms_before.tms_cstime - tms_before.tms_stime) * 1000 / (_sc_clk_tck) << "sys/" \
        << ((tv_after.tv_sec - tv_before.tv_sec) * 1000 + \
            ((long)tv_after.tv_usec - (long)tv_before.tv_usec) / 1000) << "real ms."

  // syntax errors, if any, are already printed
  if (s.verbose)
      // XXX also include a count of helper macro files loaded (.stpm)?
      clog << "Pass 1: parsed user script and "
           << s.library_files.size()
           << " library script(s) "
           << getmemusage()
           << TIMESPRINT
           << endl;

  if (rc && !s.dump_mode)
    cerr << _("Pass 1: parse failed.  [man error::pass1]") << endl;

  PROBE1(stap, pass1__end, &s);

  if (rc || s.last_pass == 1 ||
      s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_probe_aliases)
    return rc;

  times (& tms_before);
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);

  s.verbose = s.perpass_verbose[1];
  PROBE1(stap, pass2__start, &s);
  rc = semantic_pass (s);

  // Dump a list of known probe point types, if requested.
  if (s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_probe_types)
    s.pattern_root->dump (s);
  // Dump a list of functions we picked up, if requested.
  else if (s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_functions)
      map<string,functiondecl*>::const_iterator func;
      for (func  = s.functions.begin();
           func != s.functions.end(); ++func)
          functiondecl& curfunc = *func->second;
          if (curfunc.synthetic)
          if (!s.verbose && startswith(, "_"))
          curfunc.printsigtags(cout, s.verbose>0 /* all_tags */ );
          cout << endl;
  // Dump the whole script if requested, or if we stop at 2
  else if (s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes ||
           s.dump_mode == systemtap_session::dump_matched_probes_vars ||
           (rc == 0 && s.last_pass == 2))
    printscript(s, cout);

  times (& tms_after);
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);

  if (s.verbose) clog << "Pass 2: analyzed script: "
                      << s.probes.size() << " probe(s), "
                      << s.functions.size() << " function(s), "
                      << s.embeds.size() << " embed(s), "
                      << s.globals.size() << " global(s) "
                      << getmemusage()
                      << TIMESPRINT
                      << endl;

  if (rc && !s.dump_mode && !s.try_server ())
    cerr << _("Pass 2: analysis failed.  [man error::pass2]") << endl;

  PROBE1(stap, pass2__end, &s);

  // NB: none of the dump modes need to go beyond pass-2. If this changes, break
  // into individual modes here.
  if (rc || s.last_pass == 2 || s.dump_mode)
    return rc;

  rc = prepare_translate_pass (s);
  if (rc) return rc;

  // Generate hash.  There isn't any point in generating the hash
  // if last_pass is 2, since we'll quit before using it.
  if (s.use_script_cache)
      ostringstream o;
      unsigned saved_verbose;

        // Make sure we're in verbose mode, so that printscript()
        // will output function/probe bodies.
        saved_verbose = s.verbose;
        s.verbose = 3;
        printscript(s, o);  // Print script to 'o'
        s.verbose = saved_verbose;

      // Generate hash
      find_script_hash (s, o.str());

      // See if we can use cached source/module.
      if (get_script_from_cache(s))
      // We may still need to build uprobes, if it's not also cached.
      if (s.need_uprobes)
        rc = uprobes_pass(s);

      // If our last pass isn't 5, we're done (since passes 3 and
      // 4 just generate what we just pulled out of the cache).
      if (rc || s.last_pass < 5) return rc;

      // Short-circuit to pass 5.
      return 0;

  s.verbose = s.perpass_verbose[2];
  times (& tms_before);
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);
  PROBE1(stap, pass3__start, &s);

  rc = translate_pass (s);
  if (! rc && s.last_pass == 3)
      ifstream i (s.translated_source.c_str());
      cout << i.rdbuf();

  times (& tms_after);
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);

  if (s.verbose)
    clog << "Pass 3: translated to C into \""
         << s.translated_source
         << "\" "
         << getmemusage()
         << TIMESPRINT
         << endl;

  if (rc && ! s.try_server ())
    cerr << _("Pass 3: translation failed.  [man error::pass3]") << endl;

  PROBE1(stap, pass3__end, &s);

  if (rc || s.last_pass == 3) return rc;

  s.verbose = s.perpass_verbose[3];
  times (& tms_before);
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);
  PROBE1(stap, pass4__start, &s);

  if (s.use_cache)
  rc = compile_pass (s);
  if (! rc && s.last_pass == 4)
      cout << ((s.hash_path == "") ? s.module_filename() : s.hash_path);
      cout << endl;

  times (& tms_after);
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);

  if (s.verbose) clog << "Pass 4: compiled C into \""
                      << s.module_filename()
                      << "\" "
                      << TIMESPRINT
                      << endl;

  if (rc && ! s.try_server ())
    cerr << _("Pass 4: compilation failed.  [man error::pass4]") << endl;

      // Update cache. Cache cleaning is kicked off at the beginning of this function.
      if (s.use_script_cache)
      if (s.use_cache && !s.runtime_usermode_p())

      // We may need to save the module in $CWD if the cache was
      // inaccessible for some reason.
      if (! s.use_script_cache && s.last_pass == 4)
        s.save_module = true;

      // Copy module to the current directory.
      if (s.save_module && !pending_interrupts)
      string module_src_path = s.tmpdir + "/" + s.module_filename();
      string module_dest_path = s.module_filename();
      copy_file(module_src_path, module_dest_path, s.verbose > 1);

      // Copy uprobes module to the current directory.
      if (s.save_uprobes && !s.uprobes_path.empty() && !pending_interrupts)
          rc = create_dir("uprobes");
          if (! rc)
            copy_file(s.uprobes_path, "uprobes/uprobes.ko", s.verbose > 1);

  PROBE1(stap, pass4__end, &s);

  return rc;

static int
pass_5 (systemtap_session &s, vector<remote*> targets)
  // PASS 5: RUN
  s.verbose = s.perpass_verbose[4];
  struct tms tms_before;
  times (& tms_before);
  struct timeval tv_before;
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);
  // NB: this message is a judgement call.  The other passes don't emit
  // a "hello, I'm starting" message, but then the others aren't interactive
  // and don't take an indefinite amount of time.
  PROBE1(stap, pass5__start, &s);
  if (s.verbose) clog << _("Pass 5: starting run.") << endl;
  int rc = remote::run(targets);
  struct tms tms_after;
  times (& tms_after);
  unsigned _sc_clk_tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
  struct timeval tv_after;
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);
  if (s.verbose) clog << "Pass 5: run completed "
                      << TIMESPRINT
                      << endl;

  if (rc)
    cerr << _("Pass 5: run failed.  [man error::pass5]") << endl;
    // Interrupting pass-5 to quit is normal, so we want an EXIT_SUCCESS below.
    pending_interrupts = 0;

  PROBE1(stap, pass5__end, &s);

  return rc;

static void
cleanup (systemtap_session &s, int rc)
  // PASS 6: cleaning up
  PROBE1(stap, pass6__start, &s);

  for (systemtap_session::session_map_t::iterator it = s.subsessions.begin();
       it != s.subsessions.end(); ++it)
    cleanup (*it->second, rc);

  // update the database information
  if (!rc && s.tapset_compile_coverage && !pending_interrupts) {
    cerr << _("Coverage database not available without libsqlite3") << endl;


  PROBE1(stap, pass6__end, &s);

static int
passes_0_4_again_with_server (systemtap_session &s)
  // Not a server and not already using a server.
  assert (! s.client_options);
  assert (s.specified_servers.empty ());

  // Specify default server(s).
  s.specified_servers.push_back ("");

  // Reset the previous temporary directory and start fresh

  // Try to compile again, using the server
  clog << _("Attempting compilation using a compile server")
       << endl;

  int rc = passes_0_4 (s);
  return rc;

main (int argc, char * const argv [])
  // Initialize defaults.
  try {
    systemtap_session s;
    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    textdomain (PACKAGE);

    // Set up our handler to catch routine signals, to allow clean
    // and reasonably timely exit.

    // PR13520: Parse $SYSTEMTAP_DIR/rc for extra options
    string rc_file = s.data_path + "/rc";
    ifstream rcf (rc_file.c_str());
    string rcline;
    wordexp_t words;
    memset (& words, 0, sizeof(words));
    int rc = 0;
    int linecount = 0;
    while (getline (rcf, rcline))
        rc = wordexp (rcline.c_str(), & words, WRDE_NOCMD|WRDE_UNDEF|
                      (linecount > 0 ? WRDE_APPEND : 0));
        // NB: WRDE_APPEND automagically reallocates words.* as more options are added.
        linecount ++;
        if (rc) break;
    int extended_argc = words.we_wordc + argc;
    char **extended_argv = (char**) calloc (extended_argc + 1, sizeof(char*));
    if (rc || !extended_argv)
        clog << _F("Error processing extra options in %s", rc_file.c_str());
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // Copy over the arguments *by reference*, first the ones from the rc file.
    char **p = & extended_argv[0];
    *p++ = argv[0];
    for (unsigned i=0; i<words.we_wordc; i++) *p++ = words.we_wordv[i];
    for (int j=1; j<argc; j++) *p++ = argv[j];
    *p++ = NULL;

    // Process the command line.
    rc = s.parse_cmdline (extended_argc, extended_argv);
    if (rc != 0)
      return rc;

    if (words.we_wordc > 0 && s.verbose > 1)
      clog << _F("Extra options in %s: %d\n", rc_file.c_str(), (int)words.we_wordc);

    // Check for options conflicts. Exits if errors are detected.
    s.check_options (extended_argc, extended_argv);

    // We don't need these strings any more.
    wordfree (& words);
    free (extended_argv);

    // arguments parsed; get down to business
    if (s.verbose > 1)
      s.version ();

    // Need to send the verbose message here, rather than in the session ctor, since
    // we didn't know if verbose was set.
    if (rc == 0 && s.verbose>1)
      clog << _F("Created temporary directory \"%s\"", s.tmpdir.c_str()) << endl;

    // Run the benchmark and quit right away.
    if (s.benchmark_sdt_loops || s.benchmark_sdt_threads)
      return run_sdt_benchmark(s);

    // Prepare connections for each specified remote target.
    vector<remote*> targets;
    bool fake_remote=false;
    if (s.remote_uris.empty())
    for (unsigned i = 0; rc == 0 && i < s.remote_uris.size(); ++i)
        // PR13354: pass remote id#/url only in non --remote=HOST cases
        remote *target = remote::create(s, s.remote_uris[i],
                                        fake_remote ? -1 : (int)i);
        if (target)
          rc = 1;

    // Discover and loop over each unique session created by the remote targets.
    set<systemtap_session*> sessions;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
    for (set<systemtap_session*>::iterator it = sessions.begin();
         rc == 0 && !pending_interrupts && it != sessions.end(); ++it)
        systemtap_session& ss = **it;
        if (ss.verbose > 1)
          clog << _F("Session arch: %s release: %s",
                     ss.architecture.c_str(), ss.kernel_release.c_str()) << endl;

        // If requested, query server status. This is independent of other tasks.
        query_server_status (ss);

        // If requested, manage trust of servers. This is independent of other tasks.
        manage_server_trust (ss);

        // Run the passes only if a script has been specified or if we're
        // dumping something. The requirement for a script has already been
        // checked in systemtap_session::check_options.
        if (ss.have_script || ss.dump_mode)
            // Run passes 0-4 for each unique session,
            // either locally or using a compile-server.
            ss.init_try_server ();
            if ((rc = passes_0_4 (ss)))
                // Compilation failed.
                // Try again using a server if appropriate.
                if (ss.try_server ())
                  rc = passes_0_4_again_with_server (ss);
        if (rc || s.perpass_verbose[0] >= 1)
          s.explain_auto_options ();

    // Run pass 5, if requested
    if (rc == 0 && s.have_script && s.last_pass >= 5 && ! pending_interrupts)
      rc = pass_5 (s, targets);

    // Pass 6. Cleanup
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
      delete targets[i];
    cleanup (s, rc);

    return (rc) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
  catch (const interrupt_exception& e) {
      // User entered ctrl-c, exit quietly.
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  catch (const exit_exception& e) {
      // Exiting for any quiet reason.
      return e.rc;
  catch (const exception &e) {
      // Some other uncaught exception.
      cerr << e.what() << endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  catch (...) {
      // Catch all other unknown exceptions.
      cerr << _("ERROR: caught unknown exception!") << endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

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