csclient.cxx - systemtap

Data types defined

Functions defined

Macros defined

Source code

Compile server client functions
Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Red Hat Inc.

This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

// Completely disable the client if NSS is not available.
#include "config.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "cscommon.h"
#include "csclient.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "stap-probe.h"

#include <sys/times.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>

extern "C" {
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <pwd.h>

extern "C" {
#include <avahi-client/client.h>
#include <avahi-client/lookup.h>

#include <avahi-common/simple-watch.h>
#include <avahi-common/malloc.h>
#include <avahi-common/error.h>
#include <avahi-common/timeval.h>
#endif // HAVE_AVAHI

extern "C" {
#include <ssl.h>
#include <nspr.h>
#include <nss.h>
#include <certdb.h>
#include <pk11pub.h>
#include <prerror.h>
#include <secerr.h>
#include <sslerr.h>

#include "nsscommon.h"

using namespace std;

#define STAP_CSC_01 _("WARNING: The domain name, %s, does not match the DNS name(s) on the server certificate:\n")
#define STAP_CSC_02 _("could not find input file %s\n")
#define STAP_CSC_03 _("could not open input file %s\n")
#define STAP_CSC_04 _("Unable to open output file %s\n")
#define STAP_CSC_05 _("could not write to %s\n")

#define MOK_PUBLIC_CERT_NAME "signing_key.x509"

static PRIPv6Addr &copyAddress (PRIPv6Addr &PRin6, const in6_addr &in6);
static PRNetAddr &copyNetAddr (PRNetAddr &x, const PRNetAddr &y);
bool operator!= (const PRNetAddr &x, const PRNetAddr &y);
bool operator== (const PRNetAddr &x, const PRNetAddr &y);

extern "C"
nsscommon_error (const char *msg, int logit __attribute ((unused)))
  clog << msg << endl << flush;

// Information about compile servers.
struct compile_server_info
  compile_server_info () : port(0), fully_specified(false)
    memset (& address, 0, sizeof (address));

  string host_name;
  PRNetAddr address;
  unsigned short port;
  bool fully_specified;
  string version;
  string sysinfo;
  string certinfo;
  vector<string> mok_fingerprints;

  bool empty () const
    return this->host_name.empty () && ! this->hasAddress () && certinfo.empty ();
  bool hasAddress () const
    return this-> != 0;
  unsigned short setAddressPort (unsigned short port)
    if (this-> == PR_AF_INET)
      return this->address.inet.port = htons (port);
    if (this-> == PR_AF_INET6)
      return this->address.ipv6.port = htons (port);
    assert (0);
    return 0;
  bool isComplete () const
    return this->hasAddress () && port != 0;

  bool operator== (const compile_server_info &that) const
    // If one item or the other has only a name, and possibly a port specified,
    // then allow a match by name and port only. This is so that the user can specify
    // names which are returned by avahi, but are not dns resolvable.
    // Otherwise, we will ignore the host_name.
    if ((! this->hasAddress() && this->version.empty () &&
     this->sysinfo.empty () && this->certinfo.empty ()) ||
    (! that.hasAddress() && that.version.empty () &&
     that.sysinfo.empty () && that.certinfo.empty ()))
    if (this->host_name != that.host_name)
      return false;

    // Compare the other fields only if they have both been set.
    if (this->hasAddress() && that.hasAddress() &&
    this->address != that.address)
      return false;
    if (this->port != 0 && that.port != 0 &&
        this->port != that.port)
      return false;
    if (! this->version.empty () && ! that.version.empty () &&
        this->version != that.version)
      return false;
    if (! this->sysinfo.empty () && ! that.sysinfo.empty () &&
        this->sysinfo != that.sysinfo)
      return false;
    if (! this->certinfo.empty () && ! that.certinfo.empty () &&
        this->certinfo != that.certinfo)
      return false;
    if (! this->mok_fingerprints.empty () && ! that.mok_fingerprints.empty ()
    && this->mok_fingerprints != that.mok_fingerprints)
      return false;

    return true; // They are equal

  // Used to sort servers by preference for order of contact. The preferred server is
  // "less" than the other one.
  bool operator< (const compile_server_info &that) const
    // Prefer servers with a later (higher) version number.
    cs_protocol_version this_version (this->version.c_str ());
    cs_protocol_version that_version (that.version.c_str ());
    return that_version < this_version;

ostream &operator<< (ostream &s, const compile_server_info &i);
ostream &operator<< (ostream &s, const vector<compile_server_info> &v);

static void
preferred_order (vector<compile_server_info> &servers)
  // Sort the given list of servers into the preferred order for contacting.
  // Don't bother if there are less than 2 servers in the list.
  if (servers.size () < 2)

  // Sort the list using compile_server_info::operator<
  sort (servers.begin (), servers.end ());

struct resolved_host // see also PR16326, PR16342
  string host_name;
  PRNetAddr address;
  resolved_host(string chost_name, PRNetAddr caddress):
    host_name(chost_name), address(caddress) {}

struct compile_server_cache
  vector<compile_server_info> default_servers;
  vector<compile_server_info> specified_servers;
  vector<compile_server_info> trusted_servers;
  vector<compile_server_info> signing_servers;
  vector<compile_server_info> online_servers;
  vector<compile_server_info> all_servers;
  map<string,vector<resolved_host> > resolved_hosts;

// For filtering queries.
enum compile_server_properties {
  compile_server_all        = 0x1,
  compile_server_trusted    = 0x2,
  compile_server_online     = 0x4,
  compile_server_compatible = 0x8,
  compile_server_signer     = 0x10,
  compile_server_specified  = 0x20

// Static functions.
static compile_server_cache* cscache(systemtap_session& s);
static void query_server_status (systemtap_session &s, const string &status_string);

static void get_server_info (systemtap_session &s, int pmask, vector<compile_server_info> &servers);
static void get_all_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers);
static void get_default_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers);
static void get_specified_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers, bool no_default = false);
static void get_or_keep_online_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers, bool keep);
static void get_or_keep_trusted_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers, bool keep);
static void get_or_keep_signing_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers, bool keep);
static void get_or_keep_compatible_server_info (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers, bool keep);
static void keep_common_server_info (const compile_server_info &info_to_keep, vector<compile_server_info> &filtered_info);
static void keep_common_server_info (const vector<compile_server_info> &info_to_keep, vector<compile_server_info> &filtered_info);
static void keep_server_info_with_cert_and_port (systemtap_session &s, const compile_server_info &server, vector<compile_server_info> &servers);

static void add_server_info (const compile_server_info &info, vector<compile_server_info>& list);
static void add_server_info (const vector<compile_server_info> &source, vector<compile_server_info> &target);
static void merge_server_info (const compile_server_info &source, compile_server_info &target);
#if 0 // not used right now
static void merge_server_info (const compile_server_info &source, vector<compile_server_info> &target);
static void merge_server_info (const vector<compile_server_info> &source, vector <compile_server_info> &target);
static void resolve_host (systemtap_session& s, compile_server_info &server, vector<compile_server_info> &servers);

/* Exit error codes */
#define SUCCESS                   0
#define GENERAL_ERROR             1

// -----------------------------------------------------
// NSS related code used by the compile server client
// -----------------------------------------------------
static void add_server_trust (systemtap_session &s, const string &cert_db_path, vector<compile_server_info> &server_list);
static void revoke_server_trust (systemtap_session &s, const string &cert_db_path, const vector<compile_server_info> &server_list);
static void get_server_info_from_db (systemtap_session &s, vector<compile_server_info> &servers, const string &cert_db_path);

static string global_client_cert_db_path () {
  return SYSCONFDIR "/systemtap/ssl/client";

static string
private_ssl_cert_db_path ()
  return local_client_cert_db_path ();

static string
global_ssl_cert_db_path ()
  return global_client_cert_db_path ();

static string
signing_cert_db_path ()
  return SYSCONFDIR "/systemtap/staprun";

/* Connection state.  */
typedef struct connectionState_t
  const char *hostName;
  PRNetAddr   addr;
  const char *infileName;
  const char *outfileName;
  const char *trustNewServerMode;
} connectionState_t;

#if 0 /* No client authorization */
static char *
myPasswd(PK11SlotInfo *info, PRBool retry, void *arg)
  char * passwd = NULL;

  if ( (!retry) && arg )
    passwd = PORT_Strdup((char *)arg);

  return passwd;

/* Add the server's certificate to our database of trusted servers.  */
static SECStatus
trustNewServer (CERTCertificate *serverCert)
  SECStatus secStatus;
  CERTCertTrust *trust = NULL;
  PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;

  /* Import the certificate.  */
  slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
  const char *nickname = server_cert_nickname ();
  secStatus = PK11_ImportCert(slot, serverCert, CK_INVALID_HANDLE, nickname, PR_FALSE);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto done;

  /* Make it a trusted peer.  */
  trust = (CERTCertTrust *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
  if (! trust)
      secStatus = SECFailure;
      goto done;

  secStatus = CERT_DecodeTrustString(trust, "P,P,P");
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto done;

  secStatus = CERT_ChangeCertTrust(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), serverCert, trust);

  if (slot)
    PK11_FreeSlot (slot);
  if (trust)
  return secStatus;

/* Called when the server certificate verification fails. This gives us
   the chance to trust the server anyway and add the certificate to the
   local database.  */
static SECStatus
badCertHandler(void *arg, PRFileDesc *sslSocket)
  SECStatus secStatus;
  PRErrorCode errorNumber;
  CERTCertificate *serverCert = NULL;
  SECItem subAltName;
  PRArenaPool *tmpArena = NULL;
  CERTGeneralName *nameList, *current;
  char *expected = NULL;
  const connectionState_t *connectionState = (connectionState_t *)arg;

  errorNumber = PR_GetError ();
  switch (errorNumber)
      /* Since we administer our own client-side databases of trustworthy
     certificates, we don't need the domain name(s) on the certificate to
     match. If the cert is in our database, then we can trust it.
     If we know the expected domain name, then issue a warning but,
     in any case, accept the certificate.  */
      secStatus = SECSuccess;

      expected = SSL_RevealURL (sslSocket);
      if (expected == NULL || *expected == '\0')

      fprintf (stderr, STAP_CSC_01, expected);

      /* List the DNS names from the server cert as part of the warning.
     First, find the alt-name extension on the certificate.  */ = NULL;
      serverCert = SSL_PeerCertificate (sslSocket);
      secStatus = CERT_FindCertExtension (serverCert,
                      & subAltName);
      if (secStatus != SECSuccess || !
      fprintf (stderr, _("Unable to find alt name extension on the server certificate\n"));
      secStatus = SECSuccess; /* Not a fatal error */

      // Now, decode the extension.
      tmpArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
      if (! tmpArena)
      fprintf (stderr, _("Out of memory\n"));
      SECITEM_FreeItem(& subAltName, PR_FALSE);
      secStatus = SECSuccess; /* Not a fatal error here */
      nameList = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension (tmpArena, & subAltName);
      SECITEM_FreeItem(& subAltName, PR_FALSE);
      if (! nameList)
      fprintf (stderr, _("Unable to decode alt name extension on server certificate\n"));
      secStatus = SECSuccess; /* Not a fatal error */

      /* List the DNS names from the server cert as part of the warning.
     The names are in a circular list.  */
      current = nameList;
      /* Make sure this is a DNS name.  */
      if (current->type == certDNSName)
          fprintf (stderr, %.*s\n",
               (int)current->name.other.len, current->;
      current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName (current);
      while (current != nameList);


      /* The server's certificate is not trusted. Should we trust it? */
      secStatus = SECFailure; /* Do not trust by default. */
      if (! connectionState->trustNewServerMode)

      /* Trust it for this session only?  */
      if (strcmp (connectionState->trustNewServerMode, "session") == 0)
      secStatus = SECSuccess;

      /* Trust it permanently?  */
      if (strcmp (connectionState->trustNewServerMode, "permanent") == 0)
      /* The user wants to trust this server. Get the server's certificate so
         and add it to our database.  */
      serverCert = SSL_PeerCertificate (sslSocket);
      if (serverCert != NULL)
          secStatus = trustNewServer (serverCert);
      secStatus = SECFailure; /* Do not trust this server */

  if (expected)
    PORT_Free (expected);
  if (tmpArena)
    PORT_FreeArena (tmpArena, PR_FALSE);

  if (serverCert != NULL)
      CERT_DestroyCertificate (serverCert);

  return secStatus;

static PRFileDesc *
setupSSLSocket (connectionState_t *connectionState)
  PRFileDesc         *tcpSocket;
  PRFileDesc         *sslSocket;
  PRSocketOptionData    socketOption;
  PRStatus            prStatus;
  SECStatus           secStatus;

  tcpSocket = PR_OpenTCPSocket(connectionState->;
  if (tcpSocket == NULL)
    goto loser;

  /* Make the socket blocking. */
  socketOption.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
  socketOption.value.non_blocking = PR_FALSE;

  prStatus = PR_SetSocketOption(tcpSocket, &socketOption);
  if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS)
    goto loser;

  /* Import the socket into the SSL layer. */
  sslSocket = SSL_ImportFD(NULL, tcpSocket);
  if (!sslSocket)
    goto loser;

  /* Set configuration options. */
  secStatus = SSL_OptionSet(sslSocket, SSL_SECURITY, PR_TRUE);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto loser;

  secStatus = SSL_OptionSet(sslSocket, SSL_HANDSHAKE_AS_CLIENT, PR_TRUE);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto loser;

  /* Set SSL callback routines. */
#if 0 /* no client authentication */
  secStatus = SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook(sslSocket,
                    (void *)certNickname);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto loser;
#if 0 /* Use the default */
  secStatus = SSL_AuthCertificateHook(sslSocket,
                      (void *)CERT_GetDefaultCertDB());
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto loser;

  secStatus = SSL_BadCertHook(sslSocket, (SSLBadCertHandler)badCertHandler,
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto loser;

#if 0 /* No handshake callback */
  secStatus = SSL_HandshakeCallback(sslSocket, myHandshakeCallback, NULL);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto loser;

  return sslSocket;

  if (tcpSocket)
  return NULL;

static SECStatus
handle_connection (PRFileDesc *sslSocket, connectionState_t *connectionState)
  PRInt32     numBytes;
  char       *readBuffer;
  PRFileInfo  info;
  PRFileDesc *local_file_fd;
  PRStatus    prStatus;
  SECStatus   secStatus = SECSuccess;

#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE (60 * 1024)

  /* If we don't have both the input and output file names, then we're
     contacting this server only in order to establish trust. In this case send
     0 as the file size and exit. */
  if (! connectionState->infileName || ! connectionState->outfileName)
      numBytes = htonl ((PRInt32)0);
      numBytes = PR_Write (sslSocket, & numBytes, sizeof (numBytes));
      if (numBytes < 0)
    return SECFailure;
      return SECSuccess;

  /* read and send the data. */
  /* Try to open the local file named.
   * If successful, then write it to the server
  prStatus = PR_GetFileInfo(connectionState->infileName, &info);
  if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS ||
      info.type != PR_FILE_FILE ||
      info.size < 0)
      fprintf (stderr, STAP_CSC_02,
      return SECFailure;

  local_file_fd = PR_Open(connectionState->infileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
  if (local_file_fd == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, STAP_CSC_03, connectionState->infileName);
      return SECFailure;

  /* Send the file size first, so the server knows when it has the entire file. */
  numBytes = htonl ((PRInt32)info.size);
  numBytes = PR_Write(sslSocket, & numBytes, sizeof (numBytes));
  if (numBytes < 0)
      return SECFailure;

  /* Transmit the local file across the socket.  */
  numBytes = PR_TransmitFile(sslSocket, local_file_fd,
                 NULL, 0,
  if (numBytes < 0)
      return SECFailure;


  /* read until EOF */
  readBuffer = (char *)PORT_Alloc(READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
  if (! readBuffer) {
    fprintf (stderr, _("Out of memory\n"));
    return SECFailure;

  local_file_fd = PR_Open(connectionState->outfileName, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE,
  if (local_file_fd == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, STAP_CSC_04, connectionState->outfileName);
      return SECFailure;
  while (PR_TRUE)
      // No need for PR_Read_Complete here, since we're already managing multiple
      // reads to a fixed size buffer.
      numBytes = PR_Read (sslSocket, readBuffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
      if (numBytes == 0)
    break;    /* EOF */

      if (numBytes < 0)
      secStatus = SECFailure;

      /* Write to output file */
      numBytes = PR_Write(local_file_fd, readBuffer, numBytes);
      if (numBytes < 0)
      fprintf (stderr, STAP_CSC_05, connectionState->outfileName);
      secStatus = SECFailure;


  /* Caller closes the socket. */
  return secStatus;

/* make the connection.
static SECStatus
do_connect (connectionState_t *connectionState)
  PRFileDesc *sslSocket;
  PRStatus    prStatus;
  SECStatus   secStatus;

  secStatus = SECSuccess;

  /* Set up SSL secure socket. */
  sslSocket = setupSSLSocket (connectionState);
  if (sslSocket == NULL)
    return SECFailure;

#if 0 /* no client authentication */
  secStatus = SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg(sslSocket, password);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto done;

  secStatus = SSL_SetURL(sslSocket, connectionState->hostName);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto done;

  prStatus = PR_Connect(sslSocket, & connectionState->addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
  if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS)
      secStatus = SECFailure;
      goto done;

  /* Established SSL connection, ready to send data. */
  secStatus = SSL_ResetHandshake(sslSocket, /* asServer */ PR_FALSE);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto done;

  /* This is normally done automatically on the first I/O operation,
     but doing it here catches any authentication problems early.  */
  secStatus = SSL_ForceHandshake(sslSocket);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
    goto done;

  // Connect to the server and make the request.
  secStatus = handle_connection(sslSocket, connectionState);

  prStatus = PR_Close(sslSocket);
  return secStatus;

static bool
isIPv6LinkLocal (const PRNetAddr &address)
  // Link-local addresses are members of the address block fe80::
  if ( == PR_AF_INET6 &&
      address.ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr[0] == 0xfe && address.ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr[1] == 0x80)
    return true;
  return false;

client_connect (const compile_server_info &server,
        const char* infileName, const char* outfileName,
        const char* trustNewServer)
  SECStatus   secStatus;
  PRErrorCode errorNumber;
  int         attempt;
  int         errCode = GENERAL_ERROR;
  struct connectionState_t connectionState;

  // Set up a connection state for use by NSS error callbacks.
  memset (& connectionState, 0, sizeof (connectionState));
  connectionState.hostName = server.host_name.c_str ();
  connectionState.addr = server.address;
  connectionState.infileName = infileName;
  connectionState.outfileName = outfileName;
  connectionState.trustNewServerMode = trustNewServer;

  /* Some errors (see below) represent a situation in which trying again
     should succeed. However, don't try forever.  */
  for (attempt = 0; attempt < 5; ++attempt)
      secStatus = do_connect (& connectionState);
      if (secStatus == SECSuccess)
    return SUCCESS;

      errorNumber = PR_GetError ();
      switch (errorNumber)
      /* Server was not ready. */
      sleep (1);
      break; /* Try again */
      /* The server's certificate has expired. It should
         generate a new certificate. Return now and we'll try again. */
      return errCode;
      /* The server's certificate is not trusted. The exit code must
         reflect this.  */
      errCode = CA_CERT_INVALID_ERROR;
      return errCode;
      /* This error is fatal.  */
      return errCode;

  return errCode;

compile_server_client::passes_0_4 ()
  PROBE1(stap, client__start, &s);

  // arguments parsed; get down to business
  if (s.verbose || ! s.auto_server_msgs.empty ())
    clog << _("Using a compile server.") << endl;

  struct tms tms_before;
  times (& tms_before);
  struct timeval tv_before;
  gettimeofday (&tv_before, NULL);

  // Create the request package.
  int rc = initialize ();
  if (rc != 0) goto done;
  rc = create_request ();
  if (rc != 0) goto done;
  rc = package_request ();
  if (rc != 0) goto done;

  // Submit it to the server.
  rc = find_and_connect_to_server ();
  if (rc != 0) goto done;

  // Unpack and process the response.
  rc = unpack_response ();
  if (rc != 0) goto done;
  rc = process_response ();

  struct tms tms_after;
  times (& tms_after);
  unsigned _sc_clk_tck = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
  struct timeval tv_after;
  gettimeofday (&tv_after, NULL);

#define TIMESPRINT "in " << \
           (tms_after.tms_cutime + tms_after.tms_utime \
            - tms_before.tms_cutime - tms_before.tms_utime) * 1000 / (_sc_clk_tck) << "usr/" \
        << (tms_after.tms_cstime + tms_after.tms_stime \
            - tms_before.tms_cstime - tms_before.tms_stime) * 1000 / (_sc_clk_tck) << "sys/" \
        << ((tv_after.tv_sec - tv_before.tv_sec) * 1000 + \
            ((long)tv_after.tv_usec - (long)tv_before.tv_usec) / 1000) << "real ms."

  if (rc == 0)
      // Save the module, if necessary.
      if (s.last_pass == 4)
    s.save_module = true;

      // Copy module to the current directory.
      if (! pending_interrupts)
      if (s.save_module)
          string module_src_path = s.tmpdir + "/" + s.module_filename();
          string module_dest_path = s.module_filename();
          copy_file (module_src_path, module_dest_path, s.verbose >= 3);
          // Also copy the module signature, it it exists.
          module_src_path += ".sgn";
          if (file_exists (module_src_path))
          module_dest_path += ".sgn";
          copy_file(module_src_path, module_dest_path, s.verbose >= 3);
      // Print the name of the module
      if (s.last_pass == 4)
          cout << s.module_filename() << endl;

  // syntax errors, if any, are already printed
  if (s.verbose)
      string ws = s.winning_server;
      if (ws == "") ws = "?";
      clog << _("Passes: via server ") << ws << " "
           << getmemusage()
           << TIMESPRINT
           << endl;
  if (rc && !s.dump_mode)
      clog << _("Passes: via server failed.  Try again with another '-v' option.") << endl;

  PROBE1(stap, client__end, &s);

  return rc;

// Initialize a client/server session.
compile_server_client::initialize ()
  int rc = 0;

  // Initialize session state
  argc = 0;

  // Private location for server certificates.
  private_ssl_dbs.push_back (private_ssl_cert_db_path ());

  // Additional public location.
  public_ssl_dbs.push_back (global_ssl_cert_db_path ());

  // Create a temporary directory to package things in.
  client_tmpdir = s.tmpdir + "/client";
  rc = create_dir (client_tmpdir.c_str ());
  if (rc != 0)
      const char* e = strerror (errno);
      clog << _("ERROR: cannot create temporary directory (\"")
       << client_tmpdir << "\"): " << e
       << endl;

  return rc;

// Create the request package.
compile_server_client::create_request ()
  // Add the current protocol version.
  int rc = write_to_file (client_tmpdir + "/version", CURRENT_CS_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
  if (rc != 0)
    return rc;

  // Add the script file or script option
  if (s.script_file != "")
      if (s.script_file == "-")
      // Copy the script from stdin
      string packaged_script_dir = client_tmpdir + "/script";
      rc = create_dir (packaged_script_dir.c_str ());
      if (rc != 0)
          const char* e = strerror (errno);
          clog << _("ERROR: cannot create temporary directory ")
           << packaged_script_dir << ": " << e
           << endl;
          return rc;
      rc = ! copy_file("/dev/stdin", packaged_script_dir + "/-");
      if (rc != 0)
        return rc;

      // Name the script in the packaged arguments.
      rc = add_package_arg ("script/-");
      if (rc != 0)
        return rc;
      // Add the script to our package. This will also name the script
      // in the packaged arguments.
      rc = include_file_or_directory ("script", s.script_file);
      if (rc != 0)
        return rc;

  // Add -I paths. Skip the default directory.
  if (s.include_arg_start != -1)
      unsigned limit = s.include_path.size ();
      for (unsigned i = s.include_arg_start; i < limit; ++i)
      rc = add_package_arg ("-I");
      if (rc != 0)
        return rc;
      rc = include_file_or_directory ("tapset", s.include_path[i]);
      if (rc != 0)
        return rc;

  // Add other options.
  rc = add_package_args ();
  if (rc != 0)
    return rc;

  // Add the sysinfo file
  string sysinfo = "sysinfo: " + s.kernel_release + " " + s.architecture;
  rc = write_to_file (client_tmpdir + "/sysinfo", sysinfo);
  if (rc != 0)
    return rc;

  // Add localization data
  rc = add_localization_variables();

  // Add the machine owner key (MOK) fingerprints file, if needed.
  if (! s.mok_fingerprints.empty())
      ostringstream fingerprints;
      vector<string>::const_iterator it;
      for (it = s.mok_fingerprints.begin(); it != s.mok_fingerprints.end();
    fingerprints << *it << endl;

      rc = write_to_file(client_tmpdir + "/mok_fingerprints",
      if (rc != 0)
      return rc;

  return rc;

// Add the arguments specified on the command line to the server request
// package, as appropriate.
compile_server_client::add_package_args ()
  // stap arguments to be passed to the server.
  int rc = 0;
  unsigned limit = s.server_args.size();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
      rc = add_package_arg (s.server_args[i]);
      if (rc != 0)
    return rc;

  // Script arguments.
  limit = s.args.size();
  if (limit > 0) {
    rc = add_package_arg ("--");
    if (rc != 0)
      return rc;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
    rc = add_package_arg (s.args[i]);
    if (rc != 0)
      return rc;
  return rc;

compile_server_client::add_package_arg (const string &arg)
  int rc = 0;
  ostringstream fname;
  fname << client_tmpdir << "/argv" << ++argc;
  write_to_file (fname.str (), arg); // NB: No terminating newline
  return rc;

// Symbolically link the given file or directory into the client's temp
// directory under the given subdirectory.
compile_server_client::include_file_or_directory (
  const string &subdir, const string &path
  // Must predeclare these because we do use 'goto done' to
  // exit from error situations.
  vector<string> components;
  string name;
  int rc;

  // Canonicalize the given path and remove the leading /.
  string rpath;
  char *cpath = canonicalize_file_name (path.c_str ());
  if (! cpath)
      // It can not be canonicalized. Use the name relative to
      // the current working directory and let the server deal with it.
      char cwd[PATH_MAX];
      if (getcwd (cwd, sizeof (cwd)) == NULL)
      rpath = path;
      rc = 1;
      goto done;
    rpath = string (cwd) + "/" + path;
      // It can be canonicalized. Use the canonicalized name and add this
      // file or directory to the request package.
      rpath = cpath;
      free (cpath);

      // Including / would require special handling in the code below and
      // is a bad idea anyway. Let's not allow it.
      if (rpath == "/")
      if (rpath != path)
        clog << _F("%s resolves to %s\n", path.c_str (), rpath.c_str ());
      clog << _F("Unable to send %s to the server\n", path.c_str ());
      return 1;

      // First create the requested subdirectory.
      name = client_tmpdir + "/" + subdir;
      rc = create_dir (name.c_str ());
      if (rc) goto done;

      // Now create each component of the path within the sub directory.
      assert (rpath[0] == '/');
      tokenize (rpath.substr (1), components, "/");
      assert (components.size () >= 1);
      unsigned i;
      for (i = 0; i < components.size() - 1; ++i)
      if (components[i].empty ())
        continue; // embedded '//'
      name += "/" + components[i];
      rc = create_dir (name.c_str ());
      if (rc) goto done;

      // Now make a symbolic link to the actual file or directory.
      assert (i == components.size () - 1);
      name += "/" + components[i];
      rc = symlink (rpath.c_str (), name.c_str ());
      if (rc) goto done;

  // Name this file or directory in the packaged arguments.
  rc = add_package_arg (subdir + "/" + rpath.substr (1));

  if (rc != 0)
      const char* e = strerror (errno);
      clog << "ERROR: unable to add "
       << rpath
       << " to temp directory as "
       << name << ": " << e
       << endl;
  return rc;

// Add the localization variables to the server request
// package.
  int rc;
  string envVar;
  string fname;

  const set<string> &locVars = localization_variables();
  set<string>::iterator it;

  /* Note: We don't have to check for the contents of the environment
   * variables here, since they will be checked extensively on the
   * server.
  for (it = locVars.begin(); it != locVars.end(); it++)
      char* var = getenv((*it).c_str());
      if (var)
        envVar += *it + "=" + (string)var + "\n";
  fname = client_tmpdir + "/locale";
  rc = write_to_file(fname, envVar);
  return rc;

// Package the client's temp directory into a form suitable for sending to the
// server.
compile_server_client::package_request ()
  // Package up the temporary directory into a zip file.
  client_zipfile = client_tmpdir + ".zip";
  string cmd = "cd " + cmdstr_quoted(client_tmpdir) + " && zip -qr "
      + cmdstr_quoted(client_zipfile) + " *";
  vector<string> sh_cmd;
  int rc = stap_system (s.verbose, sh_cmd);
  return rc;

compile_server_client::find_and_connect_to_server ()
  // Accumulate info on the specified servers.
  vector<compile_server_info> specified_servers;
  get_specified_server_info (s, specified_servers);

  // Examine the specified servers to make sure that each has been resolved
  // with a host name, ip address and port. If not, try to obtain this
  // information by examining online servers.
  vector<compile_server_info> server_list;
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::const_iterator i = specified_servers.begin ();
       i != specified_servers.end ();
      // If we have an ip address and were given a port number, then just use the one we've
      // been given. Otherwise, check for matching compatible online servers and try their
      // ip addresses and ports.
      if (i->hasAddress() && i->fully_specified)
    add_server_info (*i, server_list);
      // Obtain a list of online servers.
      vector<compile_server_info> online_servers;
      get_or_keep_online_server_info (s, online_servers, false/*keep*/);

      // If no specific server (port) has been specified,
      // then we'll need the servers to be
      // compatible and possibly trusted as signers as well.
      if (! i->fully_specified)
          get_or_keep_compatible_server_info (s, online_servers, true/*keep*/);
          if (! pr_contains (s.privilege, pr_stapdev))
        get_or_keep_signing_server_info (s, online_servers, true/*keep*/);

      // Keep the ones (if any) which match our server.
      keep_common_server_info (*i, online_servers);

      // Add these servers (if any) to the server list.
      add_server_info (online_servers, server_list);

  // Did we identify any potential servers?
  unsigned limit = server_list.size ();
  if (limit == 0)
      clog << _("Unable to find a suitable compile server.  [man stap-server]") << endl;

      // Try to explain why.
      vector<compile_server_info> online_servers;
      get_or_keep_online_server_info (s, online_servers, false/*keep*/);
      if (online_servers.empty ())
    clog << _("No servers online to select from.") << endl;
      clog << _("The following servers are online:") << endl;
      clog << online_servers;
      if (! specified_servers.empty ())
          clog << _("The following servers were requested:") << endl;
          clog << specified_servers;
          string criteria = "online,trusted,compatible";
          if (! pr_contains (s.privilege, pr_stapdev))
        criteria += ",signer";
          clog << _F("No servers matched the selection criteria of %s.", criteria.c_str())
           << endl;
      return 1;

  // Sort the list of servers into a preferred order.
  preferred_order (server_list);

  // Now try each of the identified servers in turn.
  int rc = compile_using_server (server_list);
  if (rc == SUCCESS)
    return 0; // success!

  // If the error was that a server's cert was expired, try again. This is because the server
  // should generate a new cert which may be automatically trusted by us if it is our server.
  // Give the server a chance to do this before retrying.
      if (s.verbose >= 2)
    clog << _("The server's certificate was expired. Trying again") << endl << flush;
      sleep (2);
      rc = compile_using_server (server_list);
      if (rc == SUCCESS)
    return 0; // success!

  // We were unable to use any available server
  clog << _("Unable to connect to a server.") << endl;
  if (s.verbose == 1)
      // This information is redundant at higher verbosity levels.
      clog << _("The following servers were tried:") << endl;
      clog << server_list;
  return 1; // Failure

compile_server_client::compile_using_server (
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers
  // Make sure NSPR is initialized. Must be done before NSS is initialized
  s.NSPR_init ();

  // Attempt connection using each of the available client certificate
  // databases. Assume the server certificate is invalid until proven otherwise.
  vector<string> dbs = private_ssl_dbs;
  vector<string>::iterator i = dbs.end();
  dbs.insert (i, public_ssl_dbs.begin (), public_ssl_dbs.end ());
  int rc = GENERAL_ERROR; // assume failure
  bool serverCertExpired = false;
  for (i = dbs.begin (); i != dbs.end (); ++i)
      // Make sure the database directory exists. It is not an error if it
      // doesn't.
      if (! file_exists (*i))

#if 0 // no client authentication for now.
      // Set our password function callback.
      PK11_SetPasswordFunc (myPasswd);

      // Initialize the NSS libraries.
      const char *cert_dir = i->c_str ();
      SECStatus secStatus = nssInit (cert_dir);
      if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
      // Message already issued.
      continue; // try next database

      // Enable all cipher suites.
      // SSL_ClearSessionCache is required for the new settings to take effect.
      /* Some NSS versions don't do this correctly in NSS_SetDomesticPolicy. */
      do {
        const PRUint16 *cipher;
        for (cipher = SSL_ImplementedCiphers; *cipher != 0; ++cipher)
          SSL_CipherPolicySet(*cipher, SSL_ALLOWED);
      } while (0);
      SSL_ClearSessionCache ();

      server_zipfile = s.tmpdir + "/";

      // Try each server in turn.
      for (vector<compile_server_info>::iterator j = servers.begin ();
       j != servers.end ();
      // At a minimum we need an ip_address along with a port
      // number in order to contact the server.
      if (! j->hasAddress() || j->port == 0)
      // Set the port within the address.
      j->setAddressPort (j->port);

      if (s.verbose >= 2)
           clog << _F("Attempting SSL connection with %s\n"
                "  using certificates from the database in %s\n",
                lex_cast(*j).c_str(), cert_dir);

      rc = client_connect (*j, client_zipfile.c_str(), server_zipfile.c_str (),
      if (rc == SUCCESS)
          s.winning_server = lex_cast(*j);
          break; // Success!

      // Server cert has expired. Try other servers and/or databases, but take note because
      // server should generate a new certificate. If no other servers succeed, we'll try again
      // in case the new cert works.
          serverCertExpired = true;

      if (s.verbose >= 2)
          clog << _("  Unable to connect: ");
          nssError ();
          // Additional information: if the address is IPv6 and is link-local, then it must
          // have a scope_id.
          if (isIPv6LinkLocal (j->address) && j->address.ipv6.scope_id == 0)
          clog << _("    The address is an IPv6 link-local address with no scope specifier.")
               << endl;

      // SSL_ClearSessionCache is required before shutdown for client applications.
      SSL_ClearSessionCache ();
      nssCleanup (cert_dir);

      if (rc == SECSuccess)
    break; // Success!

  // Indicate whether a server cert was expired, so we can try again, if desired.
  if (rc != SUCCESS)
      if (serverCertExpired)

  return rc;

compile_server_client::unpack_response ()
  // Unzip the response package.
  server_tmpdir = s.tmpdir + "/server";
  vector<string> cmd;
  int rc = stap_system (s.verbose, cmd);
  if (rc != 0)
      clog << _F("Unable to unzip the server response '%s'\n", server_zipfile.c_str());
      return rc;

  // Determine the server protocol version.
  string filename = server_tmpdir + "/version";
  if (file_exists (filename))
    ::read_from_file (filename, server_version);

  // Warn about the shortcomings of this server, if it is down level.
  show_server_compatibility ();

  // If the server's response contains a systemtap temp directory, move
  // its contents to our temp directory.
  glob_t globbuf;
  string filespec = server_tmpdir + "/stap??????";
  if (s.verbose >= 3)
    clog << _F("Searching \"%s\"\n", filespec.c_str());
  int r = glob(filespec.c_str (), 0, NULL, & globbuf);
  if (r != GLOB_NOSPACE && r != GLOB_ABORTED && r != GLOB_NOMATCH)
      if (globbuf.gl_pathc > 1)
      clog << _("Incorrect number of files in server response") << endl;
      rc = 1;
      goto done;

      assert (globbuf.gl_pathc == 1);
      string dirname = globbuf.gl_pathv[0];
      if (s.verbose >= 3)
    clog << _("  found ") << dirname << endl;

      filespec = dirname + "/*";
      if (s.verbose >= 3)
       clog << _F("Searching \"%s\"\n", filespec.c_str());
      int r = glob(filespec.c_str (), GLOB_PERIOD, NULL, & globbuf);
      if (r != GLOB_NOSPACE && r != GLOB_ABORTED && r != GLOB_NOMATCH)
      unsigned prefix_len = dirname.size () + 1;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; ++i)
          string oldname = globbuf.gl_pathv[i];
          if (oldname.substr (oldname.size () - 2) == "/." ||
          oldname.substr (oldname.size () - 3) == "/..")
          string newname = s.tmpdir + "/" + oldname.substr (prefix_len);
          if (s.verbose >= 3)
               clog << _F("  found %s -- linking from %s", oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str());
          rc = symlink (oldname.c_str (), newname.c_str ());
          if (rc != 0)
                 clog << _F("Unable to link '%s' to '%s':%s\n",
                oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str(), strerror(errno));
          goto done;

  // If the server version is less that 1.6, remove the output line due to the synthetic
  // server-side -k. Look for a message containing the name of the temporary directory.
  // We can look for the English message since server versions before 1.6 do not support
  // localization.
  if (server_version < "1.6")
      cmd.push_back("/^Keeping temporary directory.*/ d");
      cmd.push_back(server_tmpdir + "/stderr");
      stap_system (s.verbose, cmd);

  // Remove the output line due to the synthetic server-side -p4
  cmd.push_back("/^.*\\.ko$/ d");
  cmd.push_back(server_tmpdir + "/stdout");
  stap_system (s.verbose, cmd);

  globfree (& globbuf);
  return rc;

compile_server_client::process_response ()
  // Pick up the results of running stap on the server.
  string filename = server_tmpdir + "/rc";
  int stap_rc;
  int rc = read_from_file (filename, stap_rc);
  if (rc != 0)
    return rc;
  rc = stap_rc;

  if (s.last_pass >= 4)
      // The server should have returned a module.
      string filespec = s.tmpdir + "/*.ko";
      if (s.verbose >= 3)
       clog << _F("Searching \"%s\"\n", filespec.c_str());

      glob_t globbuf;
      int r = glob(filespec.c_str (), 0, NULL, & globbuf);
      if (r != GLOB_NOSPACE && r != GLOB_ABORTED && r != GLOB_NOMATCH)
      if (globbuf.gl_pathc > 1)
        clog << _("Incorrect number of modules in server response") << endl;
          assert (globbuf.gl_pathc == 1);
          string modname = globbuf.gl_pathv[0];
          if (s.verbose >= 3)
        clog << _("  found ") << modname << endl;

          // If a module name was not specified by the user, then set it to
          // be the one generated by the server.
          if (! s.save_module)
          vector<string> components;
          tokenize (modname, components, "/");
          s.module_name = components.back ();
          s.module_name.erase(s.module_name.size() - 3);

          // If a uprobes.ko module was returned, then make note of it.
          string uprobes_ko;
          if (server_version < "1.6")
        uprobes_ko = s.tmpdir + "/server/uprobes.ko";
        uprobes_ko = s.tmpdir + "/uprobes/uprobes.ko";

          if (file_exists (uprobes_ko))
          s.need_uprobes = true;
          s.uprobes_path = uprobes_ko;
      else if (s.have_script)
      if (rc == 0)
          clog << _("No module was returned by the server.") << endl;
          rc = 1;
      globfree (& globbuf);

  // If the server returned a MOK certificate, copy it to the user's
  // current directory.
  string server_MOK_public_cert = s.tmpdir + "/server/" MOK_PUBLIC_CERT_NAME;
  if (file_exists (server_MOK_public_cert))
      string dst = MOK_PUBLIC_CERT_NAME;
      copy_file (server_MOK_public_cert, dst, (s.verbose >= 3));

  // Output stdout and stderr.
  filename = server_tmpdir + "/stderr";
  flush_to_stream (filename, clog);

  filename = server_tmpdir + "/stdout";
  flush_to_stream (filename, cout);

  return rc;

compile_server_client::read_from_file (const string &fname, int &data)
  // C++ streams may not set errno in the even of a failure. However if we
  // set it to 0 before each operation and it gets set during the operation,
  // then we can use its value in order to determine what happened.
  errno = 0;
  ifstream f (fname.c_str ());
  if (! f.good ())
      clog << _F("Unable to open file '%s' for reading: ", fname.c_str());
      goto error;

  // Read the data;
  errno = 0;
  f >> data;
  if ( ())
      clog << _F("Unable to read from file '%s': ", fname.c_str());
      goto error;

  // NB: not necessary to f.close ();
  return 0; // Success

  if (errno)
    clog << strerror (errno) << endl;
    clog << _("unknown error") << endl;
  return 1; // Failure

template <class T>
compile_server_client::write_to_file (const string &fname, const T &data)
  // C++ streams may not set errno in the even of a failure. However if we
  // set it to 0 before each operation and it gets set during the operation,
  // then we can use its value in order to determine what happened.
  errno = 0;
  ofstream f (fname.c_str ());
  if (! f.good ())
      clog << _F("Unable to open file '%s' for writing: ", fname.c_str());
      goto error;

  // Write the data;
  f << data;
  errno = 0;
  if ( ())
      clog << _F("Unable to write to file '%s': ", fname.c_str());
      goto error;

  // NB: not necessary to f.close ();
  return 0; // Success

  if (errno)
    clog << strerror (errno) << endl;
    clog << _("unknown error") << endl;
  return 1; // Failure

compile_server_client::flush_to_stream (const string &fname, ostream &o)
  // C++ streams may not set errno in the even of a failure. However if we
  // set it to 0 before each operation and it gets set during the operation,
  // then we can use its value in order to determine what happened.
  errno = 0;
  ifstream f (fname.c_str ());
  if (! f.good ())
      clog << _F("Unable to open file '%s' for reading: ", fname.c_str());
      goto error;

  // Stream the data

  // NB: o << f.rdbuf() misbehaves for some reason, appearing to close o,
  // which is unfortunate if o == clog or cout.
  while (1)
      errno = 0;
      int c = f.get();
      if (f.eof ()) return 0; // normal exit
      if (! f.good()) break;
      if (! o.good()) break;

  // NB: not necessary to f.close ();

  if (errno)
    clog << strerror (errno) << endl;
    clog << _("unknown error") << endl;
  return 1; // Failure

compile_server_client::show_server_compatibility () const
  // Locale sensitivity was added in version 1.6
  if (server_version < "1.6")
      clog << _F("Server protocol version is %s\n", server_version.v);
      clog << _("The server does not use localization information passed by the client\n");

// Issue a status message for when a server's trust is already in place.
static void
trust_already_in_place (
  const compile_server_info &server,
  const vector<compile_server_info> &server_list,
  const string cert_db_path,
  bool revoking
  // What level of trust?
  string purpose;
  if (cert_db_path == signing_cert_db_path ())
    purpose = _("as a module signer for all users");
      purpose = _("as an SSL peer");
      if (cert_db_path == global_ssl_cert_db_path ())
    purpose += _(" for all users");
    purpose += _(" for the current user");

  // Issue a message for each server in the list with the same certificate.
  unsigned limit = server_list.size ();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
      if (server.certinfo != server_list[i].certinfo)
      clog << server_list[i] << _(" is already ");
      if (revoking)
    clog << _("untrusted ") << purpose << endl;
       clog << _("trusted ") << purpose << endl;

// Add the given servers to the given database of trusted servers.
static void
add_server_trust (
  systemtap_session &s,
  const string &cert_db_path,
  vector<compile_server_info> &server_list
  // Get a list of servers already trusted. This opens the database, so do it
  // before we open it for our own purposes.
  vector<compile_server_info> already_trusted;
  get_server_info_from_db (s, already_trusted, cert_db_path);

  // Make sure the given path exists.
  if (create_dir (cert_db_path.c_str (), 0755) != 0)
      clog << _F("Unable to find or create the client certificate database directory %s: ", cert_db_path.c_str());
      perror ("");

  // Must predeclare this because of jumps to cleanup: below.
  vector<string> processed_certs;

  // Make sure NSPR is initialized. Must be done before NSS is initialized
  s.NSPR_init ();

  // Initialize the NSS libraries -- read/write
  SECStatus secStatus = nssInit (cert_db_path.c_str (), 1/*readwrite*/);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
      // Message already issued.
      goto cleanup;

  // Enable all cipher suites.
  // SSL_ClearSessionCache is required for the new settings to take effect.
  /* Some NSS versions don't do this correctly in NSS_SetDomesticPolicy. */
  do {
    const PRUint16 *cipher;
    for (cipher = SSL_ImplementedCiphers; *cipher != 0; ++cipher)
      SSL_CipherPolicySet(*cipher, SSL_ALLOWED);
  } while (0);
  SSL_ClearSessionCache ();

  // Iterate over the servers to become trusted. Contact each one and
  // add it to the list of trusted servers if it is not already trusted.
  // client_connect will issue any error messages.
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::iterator server = server_list.begin();
       server != server_list.end ();
      // Trust is based on certificates. We need only add trust in the
      // same certificate once.
      // RHBZ 1075685: If the new server to be trusted is selected by address + port,
      // and there is no avahi assistance available, or the server is not known
      // to avahi, then its certificate serial number field will be empty. We
      // therefore have no basis for comparing it to the serial numbers on already-trusted
      // certificates. In this case, unconditionally contact the new server to obtain
      // its certificate.
      if (! server->certinfo.empty ())
      // We need not contact the server if it has already been processed.
      if (find (processed_certs.begin (), processed_certs.end (),
            server->certinfo) != processed_certs.end ())
      processed_certs.push_back (server->certinfo);

      // We need not contact the server if it is already trusted.
      if (find (already_trusted.begin (), already_trusted.end (), *server) !=
          already_trusted.end ())
          if (s.verbose >= 2)
        trust_already_in_place (*server, server_list, cert_db_path, false/*revoking*/);

      // At a minimum we need an ip_address along with a port
      // number in order to contact the server.
      if (! server->hasAddress() || server->port == 0)
      // Set the port within the address.
      server->setAddressPort (server->port);

      int rc = client_connect (*server, NULL, NULL, "permanent");
      if (rc != SUCCESS)
      clog << _F("Unable to connect to %s", lex_cast(*server).c_str()) << endl;
      nssError ();
      // Additional information: if the address is IPv6 and is link-local, then it must
      // have a scope_id.
      if (isIPv6LinkLocal (server->address) && server->address.ipv6.scope_id == 0)
          clog << _("  The address is an IPv6 link-local address with no scope specifier.")
           << endl;

  // Shutdown NSS.
  // SSL_ClearSessionCache is required before shutdown for client applications.
  SSL_ClearSessionCache ();
  nssCleanup (cert_db_path.c_str ());

  // Make sure the database files are readable.
  glob_t globbuf;
  string filespec = cert_db_path + "/*.db";
  if (s.verbose >= 3)
    clog << _F("Searching \"%s\"\n", filespec.c_str());
  int r = glob (filespec.c_str (), 0, NULL, & globbuf);
  if (r != GLOB_NOSPACE && r != GLOB_ABORTED && r != GLOB_NOMATCH)
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; ++i)
      string filename = globbuf.gl_pathv[i];
      if (s.verbose >= 3)
        clog << _("  found ") << filename << endl;

      if (chmod (filename.c_str (), 0644) != 0)
             s.print_warning("Unable to change permissions on " + filename + ": ");
          perror ("");

// Remove the given servers from the given database of trusted servers.
static void
revoke_server_trust (
  systemtap_session &s,
  const string &cert_db_path,
  const vector<compile_server_info> &server_list
  // Make sure the given path exists.
  if (! file_exists (cert_db_path))
      if (s.verbose >= 5)
      clog << _F("Certificate database '%s' does not exist",
             cert_db_path.c_str()) << endl;
      for (vector<compile_server_info>::const_iterator server = server_list.begin();
           server != server_list.end ();
        trust_already_in_place (*server, server_list, cert_db_path, true/*revoking*/);

  // Must predeclare these because of jumps to cleanup: below.
  CERTCertDBHandle *handle;
  PRArenaPool *tmpArena = NULL;
  CERTCertList *certs = NULL;
  CERTCertificate *db_cert;
  vector<string> processed_certs;
  const char *nickname;

  // Make sure NSPR is initialized. Must be done before NSS is initialized
  s.NSPR_init ();

  // Initialize the NSS libraries -- read/write
  SECStatus secStatus = nssInit (cert_db_path.c_str (), 1/*readwrite*/);
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
      // Message already issued
      goto cleanup;
  handle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();

  // A memory pool to work in
  if (! tmpArena)
      clog << _("Out of memory:");
      nssError ();
      goto cleanup;

  // Iterate over the servers to become untrusted.
  nickname = server_cert_nickname ();
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::const_iterator server = server_list.begin();
       server != server_list.end ();
      // If the server's certificate serial number is unknown, then we can't
      // match it with one in the database.
      if (server->certinfo.empty ())

      // Trust is based on certificates. We need only revoke trust in the same
      // certificate once.
      if (find (processed_certs.begin (), processed_certs.end (),
        server->certinfo) != processed_certs.end ())
      processed_certs.push_back (server->certinfo);

      // Search the client-side database of trusted servers.
      db_cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname (nickname, NULL);
      if (! db_cert)
      // No trusted servers. Not an error, but issue a status message.
      if (s.verbose >= 2)
        trust_already_in_place (*server, server_list, cert_db_path, true/*revoking*/);

      // Here, we have one cert with the desired nickname.
      // Now, we will attempt to get a list of ALL certs
      // with the same subject name as the cert we have.  That list
      // should contain, at a minimum, the one cert we have already found.
      // If the list of certs is empty (NULL), the libraries have failed.
      certs = CERT_CreateSubjectCertList (NULL, handle, & db_cert->derSubject,
                      PR_Now (), PR_FALSE);
      CERT_DestroyCertificate (db_cert);
      if (! certs)
         clog << _F("Unable to query certificate database %s: ",
                    cert_db_path.c_str()) << endl;
      nssError ();
      goto cleanup;

      // Find the certificate matching the one belonging to our server.
      CERTCertListNode *node;
      for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD (certs);
       ! CERT_LIST_END (node, certs);
       node = CERT_LIST_NEXT (node))
      // The certificate we're working with.
      db_cert = node->cert;

      // Get the serial number.
      string serialNumber = get_cert_serial_number (db_cert);

      // Does the serial number match that of the current server?
      if (serialNumber != server->certinfo)
        continue; // goto next certificate

      // All is ok! Remove the certificate from the database.
    } // Loop over certificates in the database

      // Was a certificate matching the server found?  */
      if (CERT_LIST_END (node, certs))
      // Not found. Server is already untrusted.
      if (s.verbose >= 2)
        trust_already_in_place (*server, server_list, cert_db_path, true/*revoking*/);
      secStatus = SEC_DeletePermCertificate (db_cert);
      if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
             clog << _F("Unable to remove certificate from %s: ",
                        cert_db_path.c_str()) << endl;
          nssError ();
      CERT_DestroyCertList (certs);
      certs = NULL;
    } // Loop over servers

  if (tmpArena)
    PORT_FreeArena (tmpArena, PR_FALSE);

  nssCleanup (cert_db_path.c_str ());

// Obtain information about servers from the certificates in the given database.
static void
get_server_info_from_db (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers,
  const string &cert_db_path
  // Make sure the given path exists.
  if (! file_exists (cert_db_path))
      if (s.verbose >= 5)
       clog << _F("Certificate database '%s' does not exist.",
                  cert_db_path.c_str()) << endl;

  // Make sure NSPR is initialized. Must be done before NSS is initialized
  s.NSPR_init ();

  // Initialize the NSS libraries -- readonly
  SECStatus secStatus = nssInit (cert_db_path.c_str ());
  if (secStatus != SECSuccess)
      // Message already issued.

  // Must predeclare this because of jumps to cleanup: below.
  PRArenaPool *tmpArena = NULL;
  CERTCertList *certs = get_cert_list_from_db (server_cert_nickname ());
  if (! certs)
      if (s.verbose >= 5)
    clog << _F("No certificate found in database %s", cert_db_path.c_str ()) << endl;
      goto cleanup;

  // A memory pool to work in
  if (! tmpArena)
      clog << _("Out of memory:");
      nssError ();
      goto cleanup;
  for (CERTCertListNode *node = CERT_LIST_HEAD (certs);
       ! CERT_LIST_END (node, certs);
       node = CERT_LIST_NEXT (node))
      compile_server_info server_info;

      // The certificate we're working with.
      CERTCertificate *db_cert = node->cert;

      // Get the host name. It is in the alt-name extension of the
      // certificate.
      SECItem subAltName; = NULL;
      secStatus = CERT_FindCertExtension (db_cert,
                      & subAltName);
      if (secStatus != SECSuccess || !
      clog << _("Unable to find alt name extension on server certificate: ") << endl;
      nssError ();

      // Decode the extension.
      CERTGeneralName *nameList = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension (tmpArena, & subAltName);
      SECITEM_FreeItem(& subAltName, PR_FALSE);
      if (! nameList)
      clog << _("Unable to decode alt name extension on server certificate: ") << endl;
      nssError ();

      // We're interested in the first alternate name.
      assert (nameList->type == certDNSName);
      server_info.host_name = string ((const char *)nameList->,
      // Don't free nameList. It's part of the tmpArena.

      // Get the serial number.
      server_info.certinfo = get_cert_serial_number (db_cert);

      // Our results will at a minimum contain this server.
      add_server_info (server_info, servers);

      // Augment the list by querying all online servers and keeping the ones
      // with the same cert serial number.
      vector<compile_server_info> online_servers;
      get_or_keep_online_server_info (s, online_servers, false/*keep*/);
      keep_server_info_with_cert_and_port (s, server_info, online_servers);
      add_server_info (online_servers, servers);

  if (certs)
    CERT_DestroyCertList (certs);
  if (tmpArena)
    PORT_FreeArena (tmpArena, PR_FALSE);

  nssCleanup (cert_db_path.c_str ());

// Utility Functions.
ostream &operator<< (ostream &s, const compile_server_info &i)
  // Don't print empty information
  if (i.empty ())
    return s;

  s << " host=";
  if (! i.host_name.empty ())
    s << i.host_name;
    s << "unknown";
  s << " address=";
  if (i.hasAddress())
      PRStatus prStatus;
      switch (
    case PR_AF_INET:
    case PR_AF_INET6:
#define MAX_NETADDR_SIZE 46 // from the NSPR API reference.
        char buf[MAX_NETADDR_SIZE];
        prStatus = PR_NetAddrToString(& i.address, buf, sizeof (buf));
        if (prStatus == PR_SUCCESS) {
          s << buf;
      // Fall through
      s << "offline";
    s << "offline";
  s << " port=";
  if (i.port != 0)
    s << i.port;
    s << "unknown";
  s << " sysinfo=\"";
  if (! i.sysinfo.empty ())
    s << i.sysinfo << '"';
    s << "unknown\"";
  s << " version=";
  if (! i.version.empty ())
    s << i.version;
    s << "unknown";
  s << " certinfo=\"";
  if (! i.certinfo.empty ())
    s << i.certinfo << '"';
    s << "unknown\"";
  if (! i.mok_fingerprints.empty ())
      // FIXME: Yikes, this output is ugly. Perhaps the server output
      // needs a more structured approach.
      s << " mok_fingerprints=\"";
      vector<string>::const_iterator it;
      for (it = i.mok_fingerprints.begin (); it != i.mok_fingerprints.end ();
      if (it != i.mok_fingerprints.begin ())
        s << ", ";
      s << *it;
      s << "\"";
  return s;

ostream &operator<< (ostream &s, const vector<compile_server_info> &v)
  // Indicate an empty list.
  if (v.size () == 0 || (v.size () == 1 && v[0].empty()))
    s << "No Servers" << endl;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
      // Don't print empty items.
      if (! v[i].empty())
        s << v[i] << endl;
  return s;

PRNetAddr &
copyNetAddr (PRNetAddr &x, const PRNetAddr &y)
  PRUint32 saveScope = 0;

  // For IPv6 addresses, don't overwrite the scope_id of x unless x is uninitialized or it is 0.
  if ( == PR_AF_INET6)
    saveScope = x.ipv6.scope_id;

  x = y;

  if (saveScope != 0)
    x.ipv6.scope_id = saveScope;

  return x;

operator== (const PRNetAddr &x, const PRNetAddr &y)
  // Same address family?
  if ( !=
    return false;

  switch (
    case PR_AF_INET6:
      // If both scope ids are set, compare them.
      if (x.ipv6.scope_id != 0 && y.ipv6.scope_id != 0 && x.ipv6.scope_id != y.ipv6.scope_id)
    return false; // not equal
      // Scope is not a factor. Compare the address bits
      return memcmp (& x.ipv6.ip, & y.ipv6.ip, sizeof(x.ipv6.ip)) == 0;
    case PR_AF_INET:
      return x.inet.ip == y.inet.ip;
  return false;

operator!= (const PRNetAddr &x, const PRNetAddr &y)
  return !(x == y);

static PRIPv6Addr &
copyAddress (PRIPv6Addr &PRin6, const in6_addr &in6)
  // The NSPR type is a typedef of struct in6_addr, but C++ won't let us copy it
  assert (sizeof (PRin6) == sizeof (in6));
  memcpy (& PRin6, & in6, sizeof (PRin6));
  return PRin6;

// Return the default server specification, used when none is given on the
// command line.
static string
default_server_spec (const systemtap_session &s)
  // If --privilege=X has been used, where X is not stapdev,
  //   the default is online,trusted,compatible,signer
  // otherwise
  //   the default is online,trusted,compatible
  // Having said that,
  //   'online' and 'compatible' will only succeed if we have avahi
  //   'trusted' and 'signer' will only succeed if we have NSS
  string working_string = "online,trusted,compatible";
  if (! pr_contains (s.privilege, pr_stapdev))
    working_string += ",signer";
  return working_string;

static int
server_spec_to_pmask (const string &server_spec)
  // Construct a mask of the server properties that have been requested.
  // The available properties are:
  //     trusted    - servers which are trusted SSL peers.
  //     online     - online servers.
  //     compatible - servers which compile for the current kernel release
  //               and architecture.
  //     signer     - servers which are trusted module signers.
  //     specified  - servers which have been specified using --use-server=XXX.
  //               If no servers have been specified, then this is
  //              equivalent to --list-servers=trusted,online,compatible.
  //     all        - all trusted servers, trusted module signers,
  //                  servers currently online and specified servers.
  string working_spec = server_spec;
  vector<string> properties;
  tokenize (working_spec, properties, ",");
  int pmask = 0;
  unsigned limit = properties.size ();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
      const string &property = properties[i];
      // Tolerate (and ignore) empty properties.
      if (property.empty ())
      if (property == "all")
      pmask |= compile_server_all;
      else if (property == "specified")
      pmask |= compile_server_specified;
      else if (property == "trusted")
      pmask |= compile_server_trusted;
      else if (property == "online")
      pmask |= compile_server_online;
      else if (property == "compatible")
      pmask |= compile_server_compatible;
      else if (property == "signer")
      pmask |= compile_server_signer;
          // XXX PR13274 needs-session to use print_warning()
      clog << _F("WARNING: unsupported compile server property: %s", property.c_str())
           << endl;
  return pmask;

query_server_status (systemtap_session &s)
  unsigned limit = s.server_status_strings.size ();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
    query_server_status (s, s.server_status_strings[i]);

static void
query_server_status (systemtap_session &s, const string &status_string)
  // If this string is empty, then the default is "specified"
  string working_string = status_string;
  if (working_string.empty ())
    working_string = "specified";

  // If the query is "specified" and no servers have been specified
  // (i.e. --use-server not used or used with no argument), then
  // use the default query.
  // TODO: This may not be necessary. The underlying queries should handle
  //       "specified" properly.
  if (working_string == "specified" &&
      (s.specified_servers.empty () ||
       (s.specified_servers.size () == 1 && s.specified_servers[0].empty ())))
    working_string = default_server_spec (s);

  int pmask = server_spec_to_pmask (working_string);

  // Now obtain a list of the servers which match the criteria.
  vector<compile_server_info> raw_servers;
  get_server_info (s, pmask, raw_servers);

  // Augment the listing with as much information as possible by adding
  // information from known servers.
  vector<compile_server_info> servers;
  get_all_server_info (s, servers);
  keep_common_server_info (raw_servers, servers);

  // Sort the list of servers into a preferred order.
  preferred_order (servers);

  // Print the server information. Skip the empty entry at the head of the list.
  clog << _F("Systemtap Compile Server Status for '%s'", working_string.c_str()) << endl;
  bool found = false;
  unsigned limit = servers.size ();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
      assert (! servers[i].empty ());
      // Don't list servers with no cert information. They may not actually
      // exist.
      // TODO: Could try contacting the server and obtaining its cert
      if (servers[i].certinfo.empty ())
      clog << servers[i] << endl;
      found = true;
  if (! found)
    clog << _("No servers found") << endl;

// Add or remove trust of the servers specified on the command line.
manage_server_trust (systemtap_session &s)
  // This function should do nothing if we don't have NSS.
  // Nothing to do if --trust-servers was not specified.
  if (s.server_trust_spec.empty ())

  // Break up and analyze the trust specification. Recognized components are:
  //   ssl       - trust the specified servers as ssl peers
  //   signer    - trust the specified servers as module signers
  //   revoke    - revoke the requested trust
  //   all-users - apply/revoke the requested trust for all users
  //   no-prompt - don't prompt the user for confirmation
  tokenize (s.server_trust_spec, components, ",");
  bool ssl = false;
  bool signer = false;
  bool revoke = false;
  bool all_users = false;
  bool no_prompt = false;
  bool error = false;
  for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = components.begin ();
       i != components.end ();
      if (*i == "ssl")
    ssl = true;
      else if (*i == "signer")
      if (geteuid () != 0)
          clog << _("Only root can specify 'signer' on --trust-servers") << endl;
          error = true;
        signer = true;
      else if (*i == "revoke")
    revoke = true;
      else if (*i == "all-users")
      if (geteuid () != 0)
          clog << _("Only root can specify 'all-users' on --trust-servers") << endl;
          error = true;
        all_users = true;
      else if (*i == "no-prompt")
    no_prompt = true;
    s.print_warning("Unrecognized server trust specification: " + *i);
  if (error)

  // Make sure NSPR is initialized
  s.NSPR_init ();

  // Now obtain the list of specified servers.
  vector<compile_server_info> server_list;
  get_specified_server_info (s, server_list, true/*no_default*/);

  // Did we identify any potential servers?
  unsigned limit = server_list.size ();
  if (limit == 0)
      clog << _("No servers identified for trust") << endl;

  // Create a string representing the request in English.
  // If neither 'ssl' or 'signer' was specified, the default is 'ssl'.
  if (! ssl && ! signer)
    ssl = true;
  ostringstream trustString;
  if (ssl)
      trustString << _("as an SSL peer");
      if (all_users)
    trustString << _(" for all users");
    trustString << _(" for the current user");
  if (signer)
      if (ssl)
    trustString << _(" and ");
      trustString << _("as a module signer for all users");

  // Prompt the user to confirm what's about to happen.
  if (no_prompt)
      if (revoke)
    clog << _("Revoking trust ");
    clog << _("Adding trust ");
      if (revoke)
    clog << _("Revoke trust ");
    clog << _("Add trust ");
  clog << _F("in the following servers %s", trustString.str().c_str());
  if (! no_prompt)
    clog << '?';
  clog << endl;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
    clog << "  " << server_list[i] << endl;
  if (! no_prompt)
      clog << "[y/N] " << flush;

      // Only carry out the operation if the response is "yes"
      string response;
      cin >> response;
      if (response[0] != 'y' && response [0] != 'Y')
      clog << _("Server trust unchanged") << endl;

  // Now add/revoke the requested trust.
  string cert_db_path;
  if (ssl)
      if (all_users)
    cert_db_path = global_ssl_cert_db_path ();
    cert_db_path = private_ssl_cert_db_path ();
      if (revoke)
    revoke_server_trust (s, cert_db_path, server_list);
    add_server_trust (s, cert_db_path, server_list);
  if (signer)
      cert_db_path = signing_cert_db_path ();
      if (revoke)
    revoke_server_trust (s, cert_db_path, server_list);
    add_server_trust (s, cert_db_path, server_list);

static compile_server_cache*
cscache(systemtap_session& s)
  if (!s.server_cache)
    s.server_cache = new compile_server_cache();
  return s.server_cache;

static void
get_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  int pmask,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers
  // Get information on compile servers matching the requested criteria.
  // The order of queries is significant. Accumulating queries must go first
  // followed by accumulating/filtering queries.
  bool keep = false;
  if (((pmask & compile_server_all)))
      get_all_server_info (s, servers);
      keep = true;
  // Add the specified servers, if requested
  if ((pmask & compile_server_specified))
      get_specified_server_info (s, servers);
      keep = true;
  // Now filter or accumulate the list depending on whether a query has
  // already been made.
  if ((pmask & compile_server_online))
      get_or_keep_online_server_info (s, servers, keep);
      keep = true;
  if ((pmask & compile_server_trusted))
      get_or_keep_trusted_server_info (s, servers, keep);
      keep = true;
  if ((pmask & compile_server_signer))
      get_or_keep_signing_server_info (s, servers, keep);
      keep = true;
  if ((pmask & compile_server_compatible))
      get_or_keep_compatible_server_info (s, servers, keep);
      keep = true;

// Get information about all online servers as well as servers trusted
// as SSL peers and servers trusted as signers.
static void
get_all_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers
  // We only need to obtain this once per session. This is a good thing(tm)
  // since obtaining this information is expensive.
  vector<compile_server_info>& all_servers = cscache(s)->all_servers;
  if (all_servers.empty ())
      get_or_keep_online_server_info (s, all_servers, false/*keep*/);
      get_or_keep_trusted_server_info (s, all_servers, false/*keep*/);
      get_or_keep_signing_server_info (s, all_servers, false/*keep*/);

      if (s.verbose >= 4)
      clog << _("All known servers:") << endl;
      clog << all_servers;

  // Add the information, but not duplicates.
  add_server_info (all_servers, servers);

static void
get_default_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers
  if (s.verbose >= 3)
    clog << _("Using the default servers") << endl;

  // We only need to obtain this once per session. This is a good thing(tm)
  // since obtaining this information is expensive.
  vector<compile_server_info>& default_servers = cscache(s)->default_servers;
  if (default_servers.empty ())
      // Get the required information.
      // get_server_info will add an empty entry at the beginning to indicate
      // that the search has been performed, in case the search comes up empty.
      int pmask = server_spec_to_pmask (default_server_spec (s));
      get_server_info (s, pmask, default_servers);

      if (s.verbose >= 3)
      clog << _("Default servers are:") << endl;
      clog << default_servers;

  // Add the information, but not duplicates.
  add_server_info (default_servers, servers);

static bool
isPort (const char *pstr, compile_server_info &server_info)
  errno = 0;
  char *estr;
  unsigned long p = strtoul (pstr, & estr, 10);
  if (errno != 0 || *estr != '\0' || p > USHRT_MAX)
      clog << _F("Invalid port number specified: %s", pstr) << endl;
      return false;
  server_info.port = p;
  server_info.fully_specified = true;
  return true;

static bool
isIPv6 (const string &server, compile_server_info &server_info)
  // An IPv6 address is 8 hex components separated by colons.
  // One contiguous block of zero segments in the address may be elided using ::.
  // An interface may be specified by appending %IF_NAME to the address (e.g. %eth0).
  // A port may be specified by enclosing the ip address in [] and adding :<port>.
  // Allow a bracketed address without a port.
  assert (! server.empty());
  string ip;
  string::size_type portIx;
  if (server[0] == '[')
      string::size_type endBracket = server.find (']');
      if (endBracket == string::npos)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv6 address
      // Extract the address.
      ip = server.substr (1, endBracket - 1);
      portIx = endBracket + 1;
      ip = server;
      portIx = string::npos;

  // Find out how many components there are. The maximum is 8
  unsigned empty = 0;
  vector<string> components;
  tokenize_full (ip, components, ":");
  if (components.size() > 8)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv6 address

  // The components must be either hex values between 0 and 0xffff, or must be empty.
  // There can be only one empty component.
  string interface;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
      if (components[i].empty())
      if (++empty > 1)
        return false; // Not a valid IPv6 address
      // If it's the final component, see if it specifies the interface. If so, strip it from the
      // component in order to simplify parsing. It still remains as part of the original ip address
      // string.
      if (i == components.size() - 1)
      size_t ix = components[i].find ('%');
      if (ix != string::npos)
          interface = components[i].substr(ix);
          components[i] = components[i].substr(0, ix);
      // Skip leading zeroes.
      unsigned j;
      for (j = 0; j < components[i].size(); ++j)
      if (components[i][j] != '0')
      // Max of 4 hex digits
      if (components[i].size() - j > 4)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv6 address
      for (/**/; j < components[i].size(); ++j)
      if (! isxdigit (components[i][j]))
        return false; // Not a valid IPv6 address
  // If there is no empty component, then there must be exactly 8 components.
  if (! empty && components.size() != 8)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv6 address

  // Try to convert the string to an address.
  PRStatus prStatus = PR_StringToNetAddr (ip.c_str(), & server_info.address);
  if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS)
    return false;

  // Examine the optional port
  if (portIx != string::npos)
      string port = server.substr (portIx);
      if (port.size() != 0)
      if (port.size() < 2 || port[0] != ':')
        return false; // Not a valid Port

      port = port.substr (1);
      if (! isPort (port.c_str(), server_info))
        return false; // not a valid port
    server_info.port = 0;

  return true; // valid IPv6 address.

static bool
isIPv4 (const string &server, compile_server_info &server_info)
  // An IPv4 address is 4 decimal components separated by periods with an
  // additional optional decimal port separated from the address by a colon.
  assert (! server.empty());

  // Find out how many components there are. The maximum is 8
  vector<string> components;
  tokenize (server, components, ":");
  if (components.size() > 2)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv4 address

  // Separate the address from the port (if any).
  string addr;
  string port;
  if (components.size() <= 1)
    addr = server;
  else {
    addr = components[0];
    port = components[1];

  // Separate the address components.
  // There must be exactly 4 components.
  components.clear ();
  tokenize (addr, components, ".");
  if (components.size() != 4)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv4 address

  // The components must be decimal values between 0 and 255.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
      if (components[i].empty())
    return false; // Not a valid IPv4 address
      errno = 0;
      char *estr;
      long p = strtol (components[i].c_str(), & estr, 10);
      if (errno != 0 || *estr != '\0' || p < 0 || p > 255)
    return false; // Not a valid IPv4 address

  // Try to convert the string to an address.
  PRStatus prStatus = PR_StringToNetAddr (addr.c_str(), & server_info.address);
  if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS)
    return false;

  // Examine the optional port
  if (! port.empty ()) {
    if (! isPort (port.c_str(), server_info))
      return false; // not a valid port
    server_info.port = 0;

  return true; // valid IPv4 address.

static bool
isCertSerialNumber (const string &server, compile_server_info &server_info)
  // This function assumes that we have already ruled out the server spec being an IPv6 address.
  // Certificate serial numbers are 5 fields separated by colons plus an optional 6th decimal
  // field specifying a port.
  assert (! server.empty());
  string host = server;
  vector<string> components;
  tokenize (host, components, ":");
  switch (components.size ())
    case 6:
      if (! isPort (components.back().c_str(), server_info))
    return false; // not a valid port
      host = host.substr (0, host.find_last_of (':'));
      // fall through
    case 5:
      server_info.certinfo = host;
      return false; // not a cert serial number

  return true; // valid cert serial number and optional port

static bool
isDomain (const string &server, compile_server_info &server_info)
  // Accept one or two components separated by a colon. The first will be the domain name and
  // the second must a port number.
  assert (! server.empty());
  string host = server;
  vector<string> components;
  tokenize (host, components, ":");
  switch (components.size ())
    case 2:
      if (! isPort (components.back().c_str(), server_info))
    return false; // not a valid port
      host = host.substr (0, host.find_last_of (':'));
      // fall through
    case 1:
      server_info.host_name = host;
      return false; // not a valid domain name

  return true;

static void
get_specified_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers,
  bool no_default
  // We only need to obtain this once per session. This is a good thing(tm)
  // since obtaining this information is expensive.
  vector<compile_server_info>& specified_servers = cscache(s)->specified_servers;
  if (specified_servers.empty ())
      // Maintain an empty entry to indicate that this search has been
      // performed, in case the search comes up empty.
      specified_servers.push_back (compile_server_info ());

      // If --use-server was not specified at all, then return info for the
      // default server list.
      if (s.specified_servers.empty ())
      if (s.verbose >= 3)
        clog << _("No servers specified") << endl;
      if (! no_default)
        get_default_server_info (s, specified_servers);
      // Iterate over the specified servers. For each specification, add to
      // the list of servers.
      unsigned num_specified_servers = s.specified_servers.size ();
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_specified_servers; ++i)
          string &server = s.specified_servers[i];

          // If no specific server(s) specified, then use the default servers.
          if (server.empty ())
          if (s.verbose >= 3)
            clog << _("No servers specified") << endl;
          if (! no_default)
            get_default_server_info (s, specified_servers);

          // Determine what has been specified. Servers may be specified by:
          // - domain{:port}
          // - certificate-serial-number{:port}
              // - IPv4-address{:port}
              // - IPv6-address{:port}
          // where items within {} are optional.
          // Check for IPv6 addresses first. It reduces the amount of checking necessary for
          // certificate serial numbers.
          compile_server_info server_info;
          vector<compile_server_info> resolved_servers;
          if (isIPv6 (server, server_info) || isIPv4 (server, server_info) ||
          isCertSerialNumber (server, server_info))
          // An address or cert serial number has been specified.
          // No resolution is needed.
          resolved_servers.push_back (server_info);
          else if (isDomain (server, server_info))
          // Try to resolve the given name.
          resolve_host (s, server_info, resolved_servers);
          clog << _F("Invalid server specification for --use-server: %s", server.c_str())
               << endl;

          // Now examine the server(s) identified and add them to the list of specified
          // servers.
          vector<compile_server_info> known_servers;
          vector<compile_server_info> new_servers;
          for (vector<compile_server_info>::iterator i = resolved_servers.begin();
           i != resolved_servers.end();
          // If this item was fully specified, then just add it.
          if (i->fully_specified)
            add_server_info (*i, new_servers);
          else {
            // It was not fully specified, so we need additional info. Try
            // to get it by matching what we have against other known servers.
            if (known_servers.empty ())
              get_all_server_info (s, known_servers);

            // See if this server spec matches that of a known server
            vector<compile_server_info> matched_servers = known_servers;
            keep_common_server_info (*i, matched_servers);

            // If this server spec matches one or more known servers, then add the
            // augmented info to the specified_servers. Otherwise, if this server
            // spec is complete, then add it directly. Otherwise this server spec
            // is incomplete.
            if (! matched_servers.empty())
              add_server_info (matched_servers, new_servers);
            else if (i->isComplete ())
              add_server_info (*i, new_servers);
            else if (s.verbose >= 3)
              clog << _("Incomplete server spec: ") << *i << endl;

          if (s.verbose >= 3)
          clog << _F("Servers matching %s: ", server.c_str()) << endl;
          clog << new_servers;

          // Add the newly identified servers to the list.
          if (! new_servers.empty())
        add_server_info (new_servers, specified_servers);
        } // Loop over --use-server options
    } // -- use-server specified

      if (s.verbose >= 2)
      clog << _("All specified servers:") << endl;
      clog << specified_servers;
    } // Server information is not cached

  // Add the information, but not duplicates.
  add_server_info (specified_servers, servers);

static void
get_or_keep_trusted_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers,
  bool keep
  // If we're filtering the list and it's already empty, then
  // there's nothing to do.
  if (keep && servers.empty ())

  // We only need to obtain this once per session. This is a good thing(tm)
  // since obtaining this information is expensive.
  vector<compile_server_info>& trusted_servers = cscache(s)->trusted_servers;
  if (trusted_servers.empty ())
      // Maintain an empty entry to indicate that this search has been
      // performed, in case the search comes up empty.
      trusted_servers.push_back (compile_server_info ());

      // Check the private database first.
      string cert_db_path = private_ssl_cert_db_path ();
      get_server_info_from_db (s, trusted_servers, cert_db_path);

      // Now check the global database.
      cert_db_path = global_ssl_cert_db_path ();
      get_server_info_from_db (s, trusted_servers, cert_db_path);

      if (s.verbose >= 5)
      clog << _("All servers trusted as ssl peers:") << endl;
      clog << trusted_servers;
    } // Server information is not cached

  if (keep)
      // Filter the existing vector by keeping the information in common with
      // the trusted_server vector.
      keep_common_server_info (trusted_servers, servers);
      // Add the information, but not duplicates.
      add_server_info (trusted_servers, servers);

static void
get_or_keep_signing_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers,
  bool keep
  // If we're filtering the list and it's already empty, then
  // there's nothing to do.
  if (keep && servers.empty ())

  // We only need to obtain this once per session. This is a good thing(tm)
  // since obtaining this information is expensive.
  vector<compile_server_info>& signing_servers = cscache(s)->signing_servers;
  if (signing_servers.empty ())
      // Maintain an empty entry to indicate that this search has been
      // performed, in case the search comes up empty.
      signing_servers.push_back (compile_server_info ());

      // For all users, check the global database.
      string cert_db_path = signing_cert_db_path ();
      get_server_info_from_db (s, signing_servers, cert_db_path);

      if (s.verbose >= 5)
      clog << _("All servers trusted as module signers:") << endl;
      clog << signing_servers;
    } // Server information is not cached

  if (keep)
      // Filter the existing vector by keeping the information in common with
      // the signing_server vector.
      keep_common_server_info (signing_servers, servers);
      // Add the information, but not duplicates.
      add_server_info (signing_servers, servers);

static void
get_or_keep_compatible_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers,
  bool keep
  // If we're filtering the list and it's already empty, then
  // there's nothing to do.
  if (keep && servers.empty ())

  // Remove entries for servers incompatible with the host environment
  // from the given list of servers.
  // A compatible server compiles for the kernel release and architecture
  // of the host environment.
  // Compatibility can only be determined for online servers. So, augment
  // and filter the information we have with information for online servers.
  vector<compile_server_info> online_servers;
  get_or_keep_online_server_info (s, online_servers, false/*keep*/);
  if (keep)
    keep_common_server_info (online_servers, servers);
    add_server_info (online_servers, servers);

  // Now look to see which ones are compatible.
  // The vector can change size as we go, so be careful!!
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < servers.size (); /**/)
      // Retain empty entries.
      assert (! servers[i].empty ());

      // Check the target of the server.
      if (servers[i].sysinfo != s.kernel_release + " " + s.architecture)
      // Target platform mismatch.
      servers.erase (servers.begin () + i);

      // If the client requires secure boot signing, make sure the
      // server has the right MOK.
      if (! s.mok_fingerprints.empty ())
      // This server has no MOKs.
      if (servers[i].mok_fingerprints.empty ())
          servers.erase (servers.begin () + i);

      // Make sure the server has at least one MOK in common with
      // the client.
      vector<string>::const_iterator it;
      bool mok_found = false;
      for (it = s.mok_fingerprints.begin(); it != s.mok_fingerprints.end(); it++)
          if (find(servers[i].mok_fingerprints.begin(),
               servers[i].mok_fingerprints.end(), *it)
          != servers[i].mok_fingerprints.end ())
          mok_found = true;

      // This server has no MOK in common with the client.
      if (! mok_found)
          servers.erase (servers.begin () + i);

      // The server is compatible. Leave it in the list.
#else // ! HAVE_AVAHI
  // Without Avahi, we can't obtain the target platform of the server.
  // Issue a warning.
  if (s.verbose >= 2)
    clog << _("Unable to detect server compatibility without avahi") << endl;
  if (keep)
    servers.clear ();

static void
keep_server_info_with_cert_and_port (
  systemtap_session &,
  const compile_server_info &server,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers
  assert (! server.certinfo.empty ());

  // Search the list of servers for ones matching the
  // serial number specified.
  // The vector can change size as we go, so be careful!!
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < servers.size (); /**/)
      // Retain empty entries.
      if (servers[i].empty ())
      if (servers[i].certinfo == server.certinfo &&
      (servers[i].port == 0 || server.port == 0 ||
       servers[i].port == server.port))
      // If the server is not online, then use the specified
      // port, if any.
      if (servers[i].port == 0)
          servers[i].port = server.port;
          servers[i].fully_specified = server.fully_specified;
      // The item does not match. Delete it.
      servers.erase (servers.begin () + i);

// Obtain missing host name or ip address, if any. Return 0 on success.
static void
resolve_host (
  systemtap_session& s,
  compile_server_info &server,
  vector<compile_server_info> &resolved_servers
  vector<resolved_host>& cached_hosts = cscache(s)->resolved_hosts[server.host_name];
  if (cached_hosts.empty ())
      // The server's host_name member is a string containing either a host name or an ip address.
      // Either is acceptable for lookup.
      const char *lookup_name = server.host_name.c_str();
      if (s.verbose >= 6)
    clog << _F("Looking up %s", lookup_name) << endl;

      struct addrinfo hints;
      memset(& hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
      hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // AF_INET or AF_INET6 to force version
      struct addrinfo *addr_info = 0;
      int rc = getaddrinfo (lookup_name, NULL, & hints, & addr_info);

      // Failure to resolve will result in an appropriate message later, if other methods fail.
      if (rc != 0)
      if (s.verbose >= 6)
        clog << _F("%s not found: %s", lookup_name, gai_strerror (rc)) << endl;
      // Loop over the results collecting information.
      assert (addr_info);
      for (const struct addrinfo *ai = addr_info; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next)
          PRNetAddr new_address;

          // We support IPv4 and IPv6, Ignore other protocols,
          if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET)
          // IPv4 Address
          struct sockaddr_in *ip = (struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr;
          new_address.inet.ip = ip->sin_addr.s_addr;
          else if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6)
          // IPv6 Address
          struct sockaddr_in6 *ip = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr;
          new_address.ipv6.scope_id = ip->sin6_scope_id;
          copyAddress (new_address.ipv6.ip, ip->sin6_addr);

          // Try to obtain a host name. Otherwise, leave it empty.
          char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST];
          int status = getnameinfo (ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, hbuf, sizeof (hbuf), NULL, 0,
                    NI_NAMEREQD | NI_IDN);
          if (status != 0)
        hbuf[0] = '\0';

          cached_hosts.push_back(resolved_host(hbuf, new_address));
      if (addr_info)
    freeaddrinfo (addr_info); // free the linked list

  // If no addresses were resolved, then return the info we were given.
  if (cached_hosts.empty())
    add_server_info (server, resolved_servers);
  else {
    // We will add a new server for each address resolved
    vector<compile_server_info> new_servers;
    for (vector<resolved_host>::const_iterator it = cached_hosts.begin();
     it != cached_hosts.end(); ++it)
    // Start with the info we were given
    compile_server_info new_server = server;

    // NB: do not overwrite port info
    if (it-> == AF_INET)
      { = PR_AF_INET;
        new_server.address.inet.ip = it->address.inet.ip;
    else // AF_INET6
      { = PR_AF_INET6;
        new_server.address.ipv6.scope_id = it->address.ipv6.scope_id;
        new_server.address.ipv6.ip = it->address.ipv6.ip;
    if (!it->host_name.empty())
      new_server.host_name = it->host_name;
    add_server_info (new_server, new_servers);

    if (s.verbose >= 6)
    clog << _F("%s resolves to:", server.host_name.c_str()) << endl;
    clog << new_servers;

    add_server_info (new_servers, resolved_servers);

// Avahi API Callbacks.
struct browsing_context {
  AvahiSimplePoll *simple_poll;
  AvahiClient *client;
  vector<compile_server_info> *servers;

// Get the value of the requested key from the Avahi string list.
static string
get_value_from_avahi_string_list (AvahiStringList *strlst, const string &key)
  AvahiStringList *p = avahi_string_list_find (strlst, key.c_str ());
  if (p == NULL)
      // Key not found.
      return "";

  char *k, *v;
  int rc = avahi_string_list_get_pair(p, &k, &v, NULL);
  if (rc < 0 || v == NULL)
      avahi_free (k);
      return "";

  string value = v;
  avahi_free (k);
  avahi_free (v);
  return value;

// Get a vector of values of the requested key from the Avahi string
// list. This is for multiple values having the same key.
static void
get_values_from_avahi_string_list (AvahiStringList *strlst, const string &key,
                   vector<string> &value_vector)
  AvahiStringList *p;

  p = avahi_string_list_find (strlst, key.c_str ());
  for (; p != NULL; p = avahi_string_list_get_next(p))
      char *k, *v;
      int rc = avahi_string_list_get_pair(p, &k, &v, NULL);
      if (rc < 0 || v == NULL)
      avahi_free (k);

      avahi_free (k);
      avahi_free (v);

extern "C"
void resolve_callback(
    AvahiServiceResolver *r,
    AvahiIfIndex interface,
    AvahiProtocol protocol,
    AvahiResolverEvent event,
    const char *name,
    const char *type,
    const char *domain,
    const char *host_name,
    const AvahiAddress *address,
    uint16_t port,
    AvahiStringList *txt,
    AvahiLookupResultFlags /*flags*/,
    AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED void* userdata)
   PRStatus prStatus;

    const browsing_context *context = (browsing_context *)userdata;
    vector<compile_server_info> *servers = context->servers;

    // Called whenever a service has been resolved successfully or timed out.

    switch (event) {
      clog << _F("Failed to resolve service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s': %s",
             name, type, domain,
             avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(avahi_service_resolver_get_client(r)))) << endl;

        case AVAHI_RESOLVER_FOUND: {
        compile_server_info info;

        // Decode the address.
            char a[AVAHI_ADDRESS_STR_MAX];
            avahi_address_snprint(a, sizeof(a), address);
        prStatus = PR_StringToNetAddr (a, & info.address);
        if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS) {
          clog << _F("Invalid address '%s' from avahi", a) << endl;

        // We support both IPv4 and IPv6. Ignore other protocols.
        if (protocol == AVAHI_PROTO_INET6) {
          info.address.ipv6.scope_id = interface;
          info.port = port;
        else if (protocol == AVAHI_PROTO_INET) {
          info.port = port;

        // Save the host name.
        info.host_name = host_name;

        // Save the text tags.
        info.sysinfo = get_value_from_avahi_string_list (txt, "sysinfo");
        info.certinfo = get_value_from_avahi_string_list (txt, "certinfo");
        info.version = get_value_from_avahi_string_list (txt, "version");
        if (info.version.empty ())
          info.version = "1.0"; // default version is 1.0

        // The server might provide one or more MOK certificate's
        // info.
        get_values_from_avahi_string_list(txt, "mok_info",

        // Add this server to the list of discovered servers.
        add_server_info (info, *servers);


extern "C"
void browse_callback(
    AvahiServiceBrowser *b,
    AvahiIfIndex interface,
    AvahiProtocol protocol,
    AvahiBrowserEvent event,
    const char *name,
    const char *type,
    const char *domain,
    AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
    void* userdata) {

    browsing_context *context = (browsing_context *)userdata;
    AvahiClient *c = context->client;
    AvahiSimplePoll *simple_poll = context->simple_poll;

    // Called whenever a new services becomes available on the LAN or is removed from the LAN.

    switch (event) {
        clog << _F("Avahi browse failed: %s",
                 << endl;

        case AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW:
        // We ignore the returned resolver object. In the callback
        // function we free it. If the server is terminated before
        // the callback function is called the server will free
        // the resolver for us.
            if (!(avahi_service_resolver_new(c, interface, protocol, name, type, domain,
                         AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, (AvahiLookupFlags)0, resolve_callback, context))) {
             clog << _F("Failed to resolve service '%s': %s",
                     name, avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(c))) << endl;


extern "C"
void client_callback(AvahiClient *c, AvahiClientState state, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED void * userdata) {
    browsing_context *context = (browsing_context *)userdata;
    AvahiSimplePoll *simple_poll = context->simple_poll;

    // Called whenever the client or server state changes.

    if (state == AVAHI_CLIENT_FAILURE) {
        clog << _F("Avahi Server connection failure: %s", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(c))) << endl;

extern "C"
void timeout_callback(AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiTimeout *e, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED void *userdata) {
  browsing_context *context = (browsing_context *)userdata;
  AvahiSimplePoll *simple_poll = context->simple_poll;
#endif // HAVE_AVAHI

static void
get_or_keep_online_server_info (
  systemtap_session &s,
  vector<compile_server_info> &servers,
  bool keep
  // If we're filtering the list and it's already empty, then
  // there's nothing to do.
  if (keep && servers.empty ())

  // We only need to obtain this once per session. This is a good thing(tm)
  // since obtaining this information is expensive.
  vector<compile_server_info>& online_servers = cscache(s)->online_servers;
  if (online_servers.empty ())
      // Maintain an empty entry to indicate that this search has been
      // performed, in case the search comes up empty.
      online_servers.push_back (compile_server_info ());
      // Must predeclare these due to jumping on error to fail:
      vector<compile_server_info> avahi_servers;

      // Initialize.
      AvahiClient *client = NULL;
      AvahiServiceBrowser *sb = NULL;

      // Allocate main loop object.
      AvahiSimplePoll *simple_poll;
      if (!(simple_poll = avahi_simple_poll_new()))
      clog << _("Failed to create Avahi simple poll object") << endl;
      goto fail;
      browsing_context context;
      context.simple_poll = simple_poll;
      context.servers = & avahi_servers;

      // Allocate a new Avahi client
      int error;
      client = avahi_client_new (avahi_simple_poll_get (simple_poll),
                 client_callback, & context, & error);

      // Check whether creating the client object succeeded.
      if (! client)
         clog << _F("Failed to create Avahi client: %s",
                    avahi_strerror(error)) << endl;
      goto fail;
      context.client = client;

      // Create the service browser.
      if (!(sb = avahi_service_browser_new (client, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC,
                        AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, "_stap._tcp",
                        NULL, (AvahiLookupFlags)0,
                        browse_callback, & context)))
         clog << _F("Failed to create Avahi service browser: %s",
                     avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(client))) << endl;
      goto fail;

      // Timeout after 0.5 seconds.
      struct timeval tv;
    avahi_elapse_time(&tv, 1000/2, 0),
    & context);

      // Run the main loop.

      if (s.verbose >= 6)
      clog << _("Avahi reports the following servers online:") << endl;
      clog << avahi_servers;

      // Merge with the list of servers, as obtained by avahi.
      add_server_info (avahi_servers, online_servers);

      // Cleanup.
      if (client) {
    // Also frees the service browser
      if (simple_poll)
#else // ! HAVE_AVAHI
      // Without Avahi, we can't detect online servers. Issue a warning.
      if (s.verbose >= 2)
    clog << _("Unable to detect online servers without avahi") << endl;
#endif // ! HAVE_AVAHI

      if (s.verbose >= 5)
      clog << _("All online servers:") << endl;
      clog << online_servers;
    } // Server information is not cached.

  if (keep)
      // Filter the existing vector by keeping the information in common with
      // the online_server vector.
      keep_common_server_info (online_servers, servers);
      // Add the information, but not duplicates.
      add_server_info (online_servers, servers);

// Add server info to a list, avoiding duplicates. Merge information from
// two duplicate items.
static void
add_server_info (
  const compile_server_info &info, vector<compile_server_info>& target
  if (info.empty ())

  bool found = false;
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::iterator i = target.begin ();
       i != target.end ();
      if (info == *i)
      // Duplicate. Merge the two items.
      merge_server_info (info, *i);
      found = true;
  if (! found)
    target.push_back (info);

// Add server info from one vector to another.
static void
add_server_info (
  const vector<compile_server_info> &source,
  vector<compile_server_info> &target
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::const_iterator i = source.begin ();
       i != source.end ();
      add_server_info (*i, target);

// Filter the vector by keeping information in common with the item.
static void
keep_common_server_info (
  const    compile_server_info &info_to_keep,
  vector<compile_server_info> &filtered_info
  assert (! info_to_keep.empty ());

  // The vector may change size as we go. Be careful!!
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < filtered_info.size (); /**/)
      // Retain empty entries.
      if (filtered_info[i].empty ())
      if (info_to_keep == filtered_info[i])
      merge_server_info (info_to_keep, filtered_info[i]);
      // The item does not match. Delete it.
      filtered_info.erase (filtered_info.begin () + i);

// Filter the second vector by keeping information in common with the first
// vector.
static void
keep_common_server_info (
  const    vector<compile_server_info> &info_to_keep,
  vector<compile_server_info> &filtered_info
  // The vector may change size as we go. Be careful!!
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < filtered_info.size (); /**/)
      // Retain empty entries.
      if (filtered_info[i].empty ())
      bool found = false;
      for (unsigned j = 0; j < info_to_keep.size (); ++j)
      if (filtered_info[i] == info_to_keep[j])
          merge_server_info (info_to_keep[j], filtered_info[i]);
          found = true;

      // If the item was not found. Delete it. Otherwise, advance to the next
      // item.
      if (found)
    filtered_info.erase (filtered_info.begin () + i);

// Merge two compile server info items.
static void
merge_server_info (
  const compile_server_info &source,
  compile_server_info &target
  // Copy the host name if the source has one.
  if (! source.host_name.empty())
    target.host_name = source.host_name;
  // Copy the address unconditionally, if the source has an address, even if they are already
  // equal. The source address may be an IPv6 address with a scope_id that the target is missing.
  assert (! target.hasAddress () || ! source.hasAddress () || source.address == target.address);
  if (source.hasAddress ())
    copyNetAddr (target.address, source.address);
  if (target.port == 0)
      target.port = source.port;
      target.fully_specified = source.fully_specified;
  if (target.sysinfo.empty ())
    target.sysinfo = source.sysinfo;
  if (target.version.empty ())
    target.version = source.version;
  if (target.certinfo.empty ())
    target.certinfo = source.certinfo;

#if 0 // not used right now
// Merge compile server info from one item into a vector.
static void
merge_server_info (
  const compile_server_info &source,
  vector<compile_server_info> &target
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::iterator i = target.begin ();
      i != target.end ();
      if (source == *i)
    merge_server_info (source, *i);

// Merge compile server from one vector into another.
static void
merge_server_info (
  const vector<compile_server_info> &source,
  vector <compile_server_info> &target
  for (vector<compile_server_info>::const_iterator i = source.begin ();
      i != source.end ();
    merge_server_info (*i, target);
#endif // HAVE_NSS

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