stapdyn/mutator.cxx - systemtap

Global variables defined

Functions defined

Source code

// stapdyn mutator functions
// Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Red Hat Inc.
// This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
// Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
// later version.

#include "mutator.h"

#include <algorithm>

extern "C" {
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <wordexp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <BPatch_snippet.h>

#include "dynutil.h"
#include "../util.h"

extern "C" {
#include "../runtime/dyninst/stapdyn.h"

using namespace std;

// NB: since Dyninst callbacks have no context, we have to demux it
// to every mutator we've created, tracked by this vector.
static vector<mutator*> g_mutators;

static void
g_dynamic_library_callback(BPatch_thread *thread,
                           BPatch_module *module,
                           bool load)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)
    g_mutators[i]->dynamic_library_callback(thread, module, load);

static void
g_post_fork_callback(BPatch_thread *parent, BPatch_thread *child)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)
    g_mutators[i]->post_fork_callback(parent, child);

static void
g_exec_callback(BPatch_thread *thread)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)

static void
g_exit_callback(BPatch_thread *thread, BPatch_exitType type)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)
    g_mutators[i]->exit_callback(thread, type);

static void
g_thread_create_callback(BPatch_process *proc, BPatch_thread *thread)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)
    g_mutators[i]->thread_create_callback(proc, thread);

static void
g_thread_destroy_callback(BPatch_process *proc, BPatch_thread *thread)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)
    g_mutators[i]->thread_destroy_callback(proc, thread);

static pthread_t g_main_thread = pthread_self();
static const sigset_t *g_signal_mask;

static void
g_signal_handler(int signal)
  /* We only want the signal on our main thread, so it will interrupt the ppoll
   * loop.  If we get it on a different thread, just forward it.  */
  if (!pthread_equal(pthread_self(), g_main_thread))
      pthread_kill(g_main_thread, signal);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < g_mutators.size(); ++i)

static void
setup_signals (void)
  struct sigaction sa;
  static sigset_t mask;
  static const int signals[] = {

  /* Prepare the global sigmask for future use.  */
  sigemptyset (&mask);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(signals) / sizeof(*signals); ++i)
    sigaddset (&mask, signals[i]);
  g_signal_mask = &mask;

  /* Prepare the common signal handler.  */
  memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
  sa.sa_handler = g_signal_handler;
  sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
  sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(signals) / sizeof(*signals); ++i)
    sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, signals[i]);

  /* Activate the handler for every signal.  */
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(signals) / sizeof(*signals); ++i)
    sigaction (signals[i], &sa, NULL);

mutator::mutator (const string& module_name,
                  vector<string>& module_options):
  module(NULL), module_name(resolve_path(module_name)),
  modoptions(module_options), p_target_created(false),
  p_target_error(false), utrace_enter_fn(NULL)
  // NB: dlopen does a library-path search if the filename doesn't have any
  // path components, which is why we use resolve_path(module_name)



mutator::~mutator ()
  // Explicitly drop our mutatee references, so we better
  // control when their instrumentation is removed.

  if (module)
      module = NULL;

  g_mutators.erase(find(g_mutators.begin(), g_mutators.end(), this));

// Do probes matching 'flag' exist?
mutator::matching_probes_exist(uint64_t flag)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
      for (size_t j = 0; j < targets[i].probes.size(); ++j)
      if (targets[i].probes[j].flags & flag)
        return true;
  return false;

// Load the stap module and initialize all probe info.
mutator::load ()
  int rc;

  // Open the module directly, so we can query probes or run simple ones.
  (void)dlerror(); // clear previous errors
  module = dlopen(module_name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
  if (!module)
      staperror() << "dlopen " << dlerror() << endl;
      return false;

  if ((rc = find_dynprobes(module, targets)))
    return rc;
  if (!targets.empty())
      // Always watch for new libraries to probe.

      // Always watch for new child processes, even if we don't have
      // STAPDYN_PROBE_FLAG_PROC_BEGIN, because we might want to trigger
      // any of the other types of probes in new processes too.

      // Do we need a exit callback?
      if (matching_probes_exist(STAPDYN_PROBE_FLAG_PROC_END))

      // Do we need a thread create callback?
      if (matching_probes_exist(STAPDYN_PROBE_FLAG_THREAD_BEGIN))

      // Do we need a thread destroy callback?
      if (matching_probes_exist(STAPDYN_PROBE_FLAG_THREAD_END))

  return true;

// Create a new process with the given command line
mutator::create_process(const string& command)
  if (target_mutatee)
      staperror() << "Already attached to a target process!" << endl;
      return false;

  // Split the command into words.  If wordexp can't do it,
  // we'll just run via "sh -c" instead.
  const char** child_argv;
  const char* sh_argv[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", command.c_str(), NULL };
  wordexp_t words;
  int rc = wordexp (command.c_str(), &words, WRDE_NOCMD|WRDE_UNDEF);
  if (rc == 0)
    child_argv = (/*cheater*/ const char**) words.we_wordv;
  else if (rc == WRDE_BADCHAR)
    child_argv = sh_argv;
      staperror() << "wordexp parsing error (" << rc << ")" << endl;
      return false;

  // Search the PATH if necessary, then create the target process!
  string fullpath = find_executable(child_argv[0]);
  BPatch_process* app = patch.processCreate(fullpath.c_str(), child_argv);
  if (!app)
      staperror() << "Couldn't create the target process" << endl;
      return false;

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> m(new mutatee(app));
  target_mutatee = m;
  p_target_created = true;

  if (!m->load_stap_dso(module_name))
    return false;

  if (!targets.empty())

  return true;

// Attach to a specific existing process.
mutator::attach_process(pid_t pid)
  if (target_mutatee)
      staperror() << "Already attached to a target process!" << endl;
      return false;

  BPatch_process* app = patch.processAttach(NULL, pid);
  if (!app)
      staperror() << "Couldn't attach to the target process" << endl;
      return false;

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> m(new mutatee(app));
  target_mutatee = m;
  p_target_created = false;

  if (!m->load_stap_dso(module_name))
    return false;

  if (!targets.empty())

  return true;

  typeof(&stp_global_setter) global_setter = NULL;
  set_dlsym(global_setter, module, "stp_global_setter", false);

  if (global_setter == NULL)
      // Hypothetical backwards compatibility with older stapdyn:
      stapwarn() << "Compiled module does not support -G globals" << endl;
      return false;

  for (vector<string>::iterator it = modoptions.begin();
       it != modoptions.end(); it++)
      string modoption = *it;

      // Parse modoption as "name=value"
      // XXX: compare whether this behaviour fits safety regex in buildrun.cxx
      string::size_type separator = modoption.find('=');
      if (separator == string::npos)
          stapwarn() << "Could not parse module option '" << modoption << "'" << endl;
          return false; // XXX: perhaps ignore the option instead?
      string name = modoption.substr(0, separator);
      string value = modoption.substr(separator+1);

      int rc = global_setter(name.c_str(), value.c_str());
      if (rc != 0)
          stapwarn() << "Incorrect module option '" << modoption << "'" << endl;
          return false; // XXX: perhaps ignore the option instead?

  return true;

  typeof(&stp_global_setter) global_setter = NULL;
  set_dlsym(global_setter, module, "stp_global_setter", false);

  if (global_setter == NULL)
      // Just return.

  // Note that the list of supported attributes should match with the
  // list in 'struct _stp_sesion_attributes' in
  // runtime/dyninst/session_attributes.h.

  int rc = global_setter("@log_level", lex_cast(stapdyn_log_level).c_str());
  if (rc != 0)
    stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'log_level' global" << endl;

  rc = global_setter("@suppress_warnings",
  if (rc != 0)
    stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'suppress_warnings' global" << endl;

  rc = global_setter("@stp_pid", lex_cast(getpid()).c_str());
  if (rc != 0)
    stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'stp_pid' global" << endl;

  if (target_mutatee)
      rc = global_setter("@target", lex_cast(target_mutatee->process_id()).c_str());
      if (rc != 0)
        stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'target' global" << endl;

  size_t module_endpath = module_name.rfind('/');
  size_t module_basename_start =
    (module_endpath != string::npos) ? module_endpath + 1 : 0;
  size_t module_basename_end = module_name.find('.', module_basename_start);
  size_t module_basename_len = module_basename_end - module_basename_start;
  string module_basename(module_name, module_basename_start, module_basename_len);
  rc = global_setter("@module_name", module_basename.c_str());
  if (rc != 0)
    stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'module_name' global" << endl;

  time_t now_t = time(NULL);
  struct tm* now = localtime(&now_t);
  if (now)
      rc = global_setter("@tz_gmtoff", lex_cast(-now->tm_gmtoff).c_str());
      if (rc != 0)
        stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'tz_gmtoff' global" << endl;
      rc = global_setter("@tz_name", now->tm_zone);
      if (rc != 0)
        stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'tz_name' global" << endl;
    stapwarn() << "Couldn't discover local timezone info" << endl;

  if (stapdyn_outfile_name)
      rc = global_setter("@outfile_name",
      if (rc != 0)
    stapwarn() << "Couldn't set 'outfile_name' global" << endl;


// Initialize the module session
  if (!module)
    return false;

  // First see if this is a shared-memory, multiprocess-capable module
  typeof(&stp_dyninst_shm_init) shm_init = NULL;
  typeof(&stp_dyninst_shm_connect) shm_connect = NULL;
  set_dlsym(shm_init, module, "stp_dyninst_shm_init", false);
  set_dlsym(shm_connect, module, "stp_dyninst_shm_connect", false);
  if (shm_init && shm_connect)
      // Initialize the shared-memory locally.
      const char* shmem = shm_init();
      if (shmem == NULL)
          stapwarn() << "stp_dyninst_shm_init failed!" << endl;
          return false;
      module_shmem = shmem;
      // After the session is initilized, then we'll map shmem in the target
  else if (target_mutatee)
      // For modules that don't support shared-memory, but still have a target
      // process, we'll run init/exit in the target.
      return true;

  // From here, either this is a shared-memory module,
  // or we have no target and thus run init directly anyway.

  typeof(&stp_dyninst_session_init) session_init = NULL;
      set_dlsym(session_init, module, "stp_dyninst_session_init");
  catch (runtime_error& e)
      staperror() << e.what() << endl;
      return false;

  // Before init runs, set any custom variables
  if (!modoptions.empty() && !init_modoptions())
    return false;


  int rc = session_init();
  if (rc)
      stapwarn() << "stp_dyninst_session_init returned " << rc << endl;
      return false;

  // Now we map the shared-memory into the target
  if (target_mutatee && !module_shmem.empty())
      vector<BPatch_snippet *> args;
      args.push_back(new BPatch_constExpr(module_shmem.c_str()));
      target_mutatee->call_function("stp_dyninst_shm_connect", args);

  return true;

// Shutdown the module session
  if (!module)
    return false;

  if (target_mutatee && module_shmem.empty())
      // For modules that don't support shared-memory, but still have a target
      // process, we'll run init/exit in the target.
      // XXX This may already have been done in its deconstructor if the process exited.
      return true;

  // From here, either this is a shared-memory module,
  // or we have no target and thus run exit directly anyway.

  typeof(&stp_dyninst_session_exit) session_exit = NULL;
      set_dlsym(session_exit, module, "stp_dyninst_session_exit");
  catch (runtime_error& e)
      staperror() << e.what() << endl;
      return false;

  return true;

// Check the status of all mutatees
  // We'll always break right away for SIGQUIT.  We'll also break for any other
  // signal if we didn't create the process.  Otherwise, we should give the
  // created process a chance to finish.
  if (sigismember(&signals_received, SIGQUIT) ||
      (!sigisemptyset(&signals_received) && !p_target_created))
    return false;

  if (target_mutatee && target_mutatee->is_terminated())
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < mutatees.size();)
      boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> m = mutatees[i];
      if (m != target_mutatee && m->is_terminated())
          mutatees.erase(mutatees.begin() + i);
          continue; // NB: without ++i

  return true;

// Start the actual systemtap session!
mutator::run ()
  if (!targets.empty() && !target_mutatee)
    stapwarn() << "process probes require a target (-c or -x)" << endl;

  // Get the stap module ready...

  // And away we go!
  if (target_mutatee)
      // For our first event, fire the target's process.begin probes (if any)

      // Dyninst's notification FD was fixed in 8.1; for earlier versions we'll
      // fall back to the fully-blocking wait for now.
#ifdef DYNINST_8_1
      // mask signals while we're preparing to poll
      stap_sigmasker masked(g_signal_mask);

      // Polling with a notification FD lets us wait on Dyninst while still
      // letting signals break us out of the loop.
      while (update_mutatees())
          pollfd pfd;
          pfd.fd = patch.getNotificationFD();
          pfd.revents = 0;

          struct timespec timeout = { 10, 0 };

          int rc = ppoll (&pfd, 1, &timeout, &masked.old);
          if (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR)

          // Acknowledge and activate whatever events are waiting
      while (update_mutatees())
  else // !target_mutatee
      // With no mutatees, we just wait for a signal to exit.
      stap_sigmasker masked(g_signal_mask);
      while (sigisemptyset(&signals_received))

  // Indicate failure if the target had anything but EXIT_SUCCESS
  if (target_mutatee && target_mutatee->is_terminated())
    p_target_error = !target_mutatee->check_exit();

  // Detach from everything

  // Shutdown the stap module.
  return run_module_exit();

// Get the final exit status of this mutator
int mutator::exit_status ()
  if (!module)
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // NB: Only shm modules are new enough to have stp_dyninst_exit_status at
  // all, so we don't need to try in-target for old modules like session_exit.

  typeof(&stp_dyninst_exit_status) get_exit_status = NULL;
  set_dlsym(get_exit_status, module, "stp_dyninst_exit_status", false);
  if (get_exit_status)
      int status = get_exit_status();
      if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS)
        return status;

  return p_target_error ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;

// Find a mutatee which matches the given process, else return NULL
mutator::find_mutatee(BPatch_process* process)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mutatees.size(); ++i)
    if (*mutatees[i] == process)
      return mutatees[i];
  return boost::shared_ptr<mutatee>();

// Callback to respond to dynamically loaded libraries.
// Check if it matches our targets, and instrument accordingly.
mutator::dynamic_library_callback(BPatch_thread *thread,
                                  BPatch_module *module,
                                  bool load)
  if (!load || !thread || !module)

  BPatch_process* process = thread->getProcess();
  staplog(1) << "dlopen \"" << module->libraryName()
             << "\", pid = " << process->getPid() << endl;
  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> mut = find_mutatee(process);
  if (mut)
    mut->instrument_object_dynprobes(module->getObject(), targets);

// Callback to respond to post fork events.  Check if it matches our
// targets, and handle accordingly.
mutator::post_fork_callback(BPatch_thread *parent, BPatch_thread *child)
  if (!child || !parent)

  BPatch_process* child_process = child->getProcess();
  BPatch_process* parent_process = parent->getProcess();

  staplog(1) << "post fork, parent " << parent_process->getPid()
         << ", child " << child_process->getPid() << endl;

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> mut = find_mutatee(parent_process);
  if (mut)
      // Clone the mutatee for the new process.
      boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> m(new mutatee(child_process));

      // Trigger any process.begin probes.

// Callback to respond to exec events.  Check if it matches our
// targets, and handle accordingly.
mutator::exec_callback(BPatch_thread *thread)
  if (!thread)

  BPatch_process* process = thread->getProcess();

  staplog(1) << "exec, pid = " << process->getPid() << endl;

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> mut = find_mutatee(process);
  if (mut)
      // Clear previous instrumentation

      // NB: Until Dyninst commit 2b6c10ac15dc (in 8.2), loadLibrary in a
      // fork-execed would hang waiting for a stopped process to continue.
#ifdef DYNINST_8_2
      // Load our module again in the new process
      if (mut->load_stap_dso(module_name))
          if (!targets.empty())

          // Now we map the shared-memory into the target
          if (!module_shmem.empty())
              vector<BPatch_snippet *> args;
              args.push_back(new BPatch_constExpr(module_shmem.c_str()));
              mut->call_function("stp_dyninst_shm_connect", args);

          // Trigger any process.end probes for the pre-exec process.
          mut->exit_callback(thread, true);

          // Trigger any process.begin probes.

mutator::exit_callback(BPatch_thread *thread,
               BPatch_exitType type __attribute__((unused)))
  if (!thread)

  // 'thread' is the thread that requested the exit, not necessarily the
  // main thread.
  BPatch_process* process = thread->getProcess();
  int pid = process->getPid();
  staplog(1) << "exit callback, pid = " << pid << endl;

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> mut = find_mutatee(process);
  if (mut)
      // FIXME: We'd like to call the mutatee's exit_callback()
      // function, but we've got a problem. The mutatee can't stop the
      // process to call the exit probe within the target (it finishes
      // exiting before we can). So, we'll call the probe(s) locally
      // here. This works, but the context is wrong (the mutator, not
      // the mutatee).
      const vector<dynprobe_location>& proc_end_probes =
      if (proc_end_probes.empty())

      if (utrace_enter_fn == NULL)
        set_dlsym(utrace_enter_fn, module, "enter_dyninst_utrace_probe");
    catch (runtime_error& e)
        staperror() << e.what() << endl;

      staplog(2) << "firing " << proc_end_probes.size()
         << " process.end probes in the mutator for pid "
         << pid << endl;
      for (size_t p = 0; p < proc_end_probes.size(); ++p)
      const dynprobe_location& probe = proc_end_probes[p];
      staplog(3) << "calling utrace function in the mutator for pid "
             << pid << ", probe index " << probe.index << endl;
      int rc = utrace_enter_fn(probe.index, NULL);
      if (rc)
        stapwarn() << "enter_dyninst_utrace_probe returned "
               << rc << endl;

mutator::thread_create_callback(BPatch_process *proc, BPatch_thread *thread)
  if (!proc || !thread)

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> mut = find_mutatee(proc);
  if (mut)
    mut->thread_callback(thread, true);

mutator::thread_destroy_callback(BPatch_process *proc, BPatch_thread *thread)
  if (!proc || !thread)

  boost::shared_ptr<mutatee> mut = find_mutatee(proc);
  if (mut)
    mut->thread_callback(thread, false);

// Callback to respond to signals.
mutator::signal_callback(int signal)
  sigaddset(&signals_received, signal);

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