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userspace/ffi/ctype.c - ktap
Global variables defined
Data types defined
Functions defined
Macros defined
Source code
- #include "../../include/ktap_types.h"
- #include "../../include/ktap_opcodes.h"
- #include "../ktapc.h"
- #include "../cparser.h"
- cp_csymbol_state csym_state;
- #define cs_nr (csym_state.cs_nr)
- #define cs_arr_size (csym_state.cs_arr_size)
- #define cs_arr (csym_state.cs_arr)
- csymbol *cp_id_to_csym(int id)
- {
- return &cs_arr[id];
- }
- typedef struct cp_ctype_entry {
- char name[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
- struct cp_ctype ct;
- } cp_ctype_entry;
- static int cte_nr;
- static int cte_arr_size;
- static cp_ctype_entry *cte_arr;
- typedef struct cp_ctype_stack {
- int size;
- int top;
- cp_ctype_entry *stack;
- } ctype_stack;
- static ctype_stack cts;
- #define ct_stack(id) (&(cts.stack[id]))
- #define ct_stack_ct(id) (&(cts.stack[id].ct))
- csymbol_id cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(csymbol *cs);
- csymbol_id ctype_lookup_csymbol_id(const char *name);
- size_t ctype_size(const struct cp_ctype *ct)
- {
- if (ct->pointers - ct->is_array) {
- return sizeof(void*) * (ct->is_array ? ct->array_size : 1);
- } else if (!ct->is_defined || ct->type == VOID_TYPE) {
- cp_error("can't calculate size of an undefined type");
- return 0;
- } else if (ct->variable_size_known) {
- assert(ct->is_variable_struct && !ct->is_array);
- return ct->base_size + ct->variable_increment;
- } else if (ct->is_variable_array || ct->is_variable_struct) {
- cp_error("internal error: calc size of variable type with "
- "unknown size");
- return 0;
- } else {
- return ct->base_size * (ct->is_array ? ct->array_size : 1);
- }
- }
- #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100
- int ctype_stack_grow(int size)
- {
- struct cp_ctype_entry *new_st;
- assert(cts.size + size < MAX_STACK_SIZE);
- new_st = realloc(cts.stack, (cts.size+size)*sizeof(cp_ctype_entry));
- if (new_st)
- cts.stack = new_st;
- else
- return -1;
- cts.size += size;
- return size;
- }
- int ctype_stack_free_space()
- {
- return cts.size -;
- }
- int ctype_stack_top()
- {
- return;
- }
- void ctype_stack_reset(int top)
- {
- = top;
- }
- void cp_update_csym_in_ctype(struct cp_ctype *ct)
- {
- int i;
- struct cp_ctype *nct;
- assert(ct->ffi_cs_id >= 0);
- if (ct->pointers) {
- for (i = 0; i < cte_nr; i++) {
- nct = &(cte_arr[i].ct);
- if (nct->type == ct->type &&
- ct->ffi_base_cs_id == nct->ffi_base_cs_id &&
- nct->pointers == ct->pointers) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == cte_nr) {
- ct->ffi_cs_id = cp_symbol_build_pointer(ct);
- cp_ctype_reg_type(csym_name(ct_ffi_cs(ct)), ct);
- } else {
- ct->ffi_cs_id = cte_arr[i].ct.ffi_cs_id;
- }
- }
- }
- void cp_push_ctype_with_name(struct cp_ctype *ct, const char *name, int nlen)
- {
- if (ctype_stack_free_space() < 1)
- ctype_stack_grow(4);
- cp_update_csym_in_ctype(ct);
- memset(ct_stack(, 0, sizeof(cp_ctype_entry));
- ct_stack(>ct = *ct;
- if (name)
- strncpy(ct_stack(>name, name, nlen);
- }
- void cp_push_ctype(struct cp_ctype *ct)
- {
- cp_push_ctype_with_name(ct, NULL, 0);
- }
- void cp_set_defined(struct cp_ctype *ct)
- {
- ct->is_defined = 1;
- }
- void cp_ctype_dump_stack()
- {
- int i;
- struct cp_ctype *ct;
- printf("---------------------------\n");
- printf("start of ctype stack (%d) dump: \n",;
- for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
- ct = ct_stack_ct(i);
- printf("[%d] -> cp_ctype: %d, sym_type: %d, pointer: %d "
- "symbol_id: %d, name: %s\n",
- i, ct->type,
- csym_type(ct_ffi_cs(ct)), ct->pointers, ct->ffi_cs_id,
- ct_stack(i)->name);
- }
- }
- int ctype_reg_table_grow()
- {
- cp_ctype_entry *new_arr;
- new_arr = realloc(cte_arr, sizeof(cp_ctype_entry)*cte_arr_size*2);
- if (!new_arr)
- cp_error("failed to allocate memory for ctype array\n");
- cte_arr_size = cte_arr_size * 2;
- return 0;
- }
- csymbol_id cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(csymbol *cs)
- {
- if (cs_nr >= cs_arr_size) {
- cs_arr_size *= 2;
- cs_arr = realloc(cs_arr, cs_arr_size*sizeof(csymbol));
- if (!cs_arr)
- cp_error("failed to extend csymbol array!\n");
- }
- cs_arr[cs_nr] = *cs;
- cs_nr++;
- return cs_nr-1;
- }
- csymbol_id ctype_lookup_csymbol_id(const char *name)
- {
- int i;
- csymbol *ct;
- for (i = 0; i < cs_nr; i++) {
- ct = cp_id_to_csym(i);
- if (!strcmp(name, ct->name))
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- void __cp_symbol_dump_struct(csymbol *cs)
- {
- int i;
- csymbol *ncs;
- csymbol_struct *stcs = csym_struct(cs);
- printf("=== [%s] definition ==================\n", csym_name(cs));
- for (i = 0; i < stcs->memb_nr; i++) {
- printf("\t(%d) ", i);
- printf("csym_id: %d, ", stcs->members[i].id);
- ncs = cp_id_to_csym(stcs->members[i].id);
- printf("name: %s, ffi_ctype: %d, %s\n",
- stcs->members[i].name, ncs->type, csym_name(ncs));
- }
- }
- void cp_symbol_dump_struct(int id)
- {
- __cp_symbol_dump_struct(cp_id_to_csym(id));
- }
- int cp_symbol_build_record(const char *stname, int type, int start_top)
- {
- int i, id, memb_size;
- cp_ctype_entry *cte;
- csymbol nst;
- struct_member *st_membs;
- csymbol_struct *stcs;
- struct cp_ctype *ct;
- if ( <= start_top || !stname ||
- (type != STRUCT_TYPE && type != UNION_TYPE)) {
- cp_error("invalid struct/union definition.\n");
- }
- id = ctype_lookup_csymbol_id(stname);
- if (id >= 0) {
- assert(cp_id_to_csym(id)->type == FFI_STRUCT ||
- cp_id_to_csym(id)->type == FFI_UNION);
- assert(csym_struct(cp_id_to_csym(id))->memb_nr == -1);
- }
- memb_size = - start_top;
- st_membs = malloc(memb_size*sizeof(struct_member));
- if (!st_membs)
- cp_error("failed to allocate memory for struct members.\n");
- memset(st_membs, 0, memb_size*sizeof(struct_member));
- if (type == STRUCT_TYPE)
- nst.type = FFI_STRUCT;
- else
- nst.type = FFI_UNION;
- strcpy(, stname);
- stcs = csym_struct(&nst);
- stcs->align = 0;
- stcs->memb_nr = memb_size;
- stcs->members = st_membs;
- for (i = 0; i < memb_size; i++) {
- cte = ct_stack(i + start_top);
- if (cte->name)
- strcpy(st_membs[i].name, cte->name);
- ct = ct_stack_ct(i + start_top);
- st_membs[i].id = ct->ffi_cs_id;
- if (!ct->is_array)
- st_membs[i].len = -1;
- else
- st_membs[i].len = ct->array_size;
- }
- if (id < 0)
- id = cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(&nst);
- else
- cs_arr[id] = nst;
- ctype_stack_reset(start_top);
- return id;
- }
- int cp_symbol_build_fake_record(const char *stname, int type)
- {
- int id;
- csymbol nst;
- csymbol_struct *stcs;
- if (!stname || (type != STRUCT_TYPE && type != UNION_TYPE)) {
- cp_error("invalid fake struct/union definition.\n");
- }
- id = ctype_lookup_csymbol_id(stname);
- if (id >= 0)
- return id;
- if (type == STRUCT_TYPE)
- nst.type = FFI_STRUCT;
- else
- nst.type = FFI_UNION;
- strcpy(, stname);
- stcs = csym_struct(&nst);
- stcs->align = 0;
- stcs->memb_nr = -1;
- stcs->members = NULL;
- id = cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(&nst);
- return id;
- }
- int cp_symbol_build_pointer(struct cp_ctype *ct)
- {
- int id, ret;
- csymbol ncspt;
- csymbol *ref_cs = ct_ffi_cs(ct);
- memset(&ncspt, 0, sizeof(csymbol));
- ncspt.type = FFI_PTR;
- ret = sprintf(, "%s *", csym_name(ref_cs));
- assert(ret < MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN);
- csym_set_ptr_deref_id(&ncspt, ct->ffi_cs_id);
- id = cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(&ncspt);
- return id;
- }
- void __cp_symbol_dump_func(csymbol *cs)
- {
- int i;
- csymbol *ncs;
- csymbol_func *fcs = csym_func(cs);
- printf("=== [%s] function definition =============\n", csym_name(cs));
- ncs = cp_csymf_ret(fcs);
- printf("address: %p\n", fcs->addr);
- printf("return type: \n");
- printf("\tcsym_id: %d, ffi_ctype: %d, %s\n",
- fcs->ret_id, ncs->type, csym_name(ncs));
- printf("args type (%d): \n", fcs->arg_nr);
- for (i = 0; i < csymf_arg_nr(fcs); i++) {
- printf("\t (%d) ", i);
- printf("csym_id: %d, ", fcs->arg_ids[i]);
- ncs = cp_csymf_arg(fcs, i);
- printf("ffi_ctype: %d, %s\n", ncs->type, csym_name(ncs));
- }
- }
- void cp_symbol_dump_func(int id)
- {
- __cp_symbol_dump_func(cp_id_to_csym(id));
- }
- int cp_symbol_build_func(struct cp_ctype *type, const char *fname, int fn_size)
- {
- int i = 1, arg_nr, id;
- int *argsym_id_arr;
- csymbol nfcs;
- csymbol_func *fcs;
- if ( == 0 || fn_size < 0 || !fname) {
- cp_error("invalid function definition.\n");
- }
- argsym_id_arr = NULL;
- memset(&nfcs, 0, sizeof(csymbol));
- csym_type(&nfcs) = FFI_FUNC;
- strncpy(csym_name(&nfcs), fname, fn_size);
- fcs = csym_func(&nfcs);
- fcs->has_var_arg = type->has_var_arg;
- if (fcs->has_var_arg && !ctype_lookup_type("void *"))
- cp_symbol_build_pointer(ctype_lookup_type("void"));
- fcs->addr = (void *)find_kernel_symbol(csym_name(&nfcs));
- if (!fcs->addr)
- cp_error("wrong function address for %s\n", csym_name(&nfcs));
- fcs->ret_id = ct_stack_ct(0)->ffi_cs_id;
- if ( == 1) {
- arg_nr = 0;
- } else {
- arg_nr = - 1;
- argsym_id_arr = malloc(arg_nr * sizeof(int));
- if (!argsym_id_arr)
- cp_error("failed to allocate memory for function args.\n");
- for (i = 0; i < arg_nr; i++) {
- argsym_id_arr[i] = ct_stack_ct(i+1)->ffi_cs_id;
- }
- }
- fcs->arg_nr = arg_nr;
- fcs->arg_ids = argsym_id_arr;
- id = cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(&nfcs);
- ctype_stack_reset(0);
- return id;
- }
- struct cp_ctype *cp_ctype_reg_type(char *name, struct cp_ctype *ct)
- {
- if (cte_nr >= cte_arr_size)
- ctype_reg_table_grow();
- memset(cte_arr[cte_nr].name, 0, MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN);
- strcpy(cte_arr[cte_nr].name, name);
- cte_arr[cte_nr].ct = *ct;
- cte_nr++;
- return &(cte_arr[cte_nr-1].ct);
- }
- #if 0
- #endif
- static inline void ct_set_type(struct cp_ctype *ct, int type, int is_unsigned)
- {
- ct->type = type;
- ct->is_unsigned = is_unsigned;
- }
- static void init_builtin_type(struct cp_ctype *ct, ffi_type ftype)
- {
- csymbol cs;
- int cs_id;
- csym_type(&cs) = ftype;
- strncpy(csym_name(&cs), ffi_type_name(ftype), CSYM_NAME_MAX_LEN);
- cs_id = cp_ctype_reg_csymbol(&cs);
- memset(ct, 0, sizeof(*ct));
- ct->ffi_base_cs_id = ct->ffi_cs_id = cs_id;
- switch (ftype) {
- case FFI_VOID: ct_set_type(ct, VOID_TYPE, 0); break;
- case FFI_UINT8: ct_set_type(ct, INT8_TYPE, 1); break;
- case FFI_INT8: ct_set_type(ct, INT8_TYPE, 0); break;
- case FFI_UINT16: ct_set_type(ct, INT16_TYPE, 1); break;
- case FFI_INT16: ct_set_type(ct, INT16_TYPE, 0); break;
- case FFI_UINT32: ct_set_type(ct, INT32_TYPE, 1); break;
- case FFI_INT32: ct_set_type(ct, INT32_TYPE, 0); break;
- case FFI_UINT64: ct_set_type(ct, INT64_TYPE, 1); break;
- case FFI_INT64: ct_set_type(ct, INT64_TYPE, 0); break;
- default: break;
- }
- ct->base_size = ffi_type_size(ftype);
- ct->align_mask = ffi_type_align(ftype) - 1;
- ct->is_defined = 1;
- }
- struct cp_ctype *ctype_lookup_builtin_type(char *name)
- {
- struct cp_ctype ct;
- if (!strncmp(name, "void", sizeof("void"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_VOID);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("void", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "int8_t", sizeof("int8_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_INT8);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("int8_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "uint8_t", sizeof("uint8_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_UINT8);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("uint8_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "int16_t", sizeof("int16_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_INT16);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("int16_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "uint16_t", sizeof("uint16_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_UINT16);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("uint16_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "int32_t", sizeof("int32_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_INT32);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("int32_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "uint32_t", sizeof("uint32_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_UINT32);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("uint32_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "int64_t", sizeof("int64_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_INT64);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("int64_t", &ct);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "uint64_t", sizeof("uint64_t"))) {
- init_builtin_type(&ct, FFI_UINT64);
- return cp_ctype_reg_type("uint64_t", &ct);
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- struct cp_ctype *ctype_lookup_type(char *name)
- {
- int i;
- struct cp_ctype *ct;
- for (i = 0; i < cte_nr; i++) {
- ct = &cte_arr[i].ct;
- if (!strcmp(name, cte_arr[i].name))
- return ct;
- }
- return ctype_lookup_builtin_type(name);
- }
- cp_csymbol_state *ctype_get_csym_state(void)
- {
- return &csym_state;
- }
- int cp_ctype_init()
- {
- cts.size = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
- = 0;
- cts.stack = malloc(sizeof(cp_ctype_entry)*DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
- cs_nr = 0;
- cs_arr_size = DEFAULT_SYM_ARR_SIZE;
- cs_arr = malloc(sizeof(csymbol)*DEFAULT_SYM_ARR_SIZE);
- memset(cs_arr, 0, sizeof(csymbol)*DEFAULT_SYM_ARR_SIZE);
- cte_nr = 0;
- cte_arr_size = DEFAULT_CTYPE_ARR_SIZE;
- cte_arr = malloc(sizeof(cp_ctype_entry)*DEFAULT_CTYPE_ARR_SIZE);
- return 0;
- }
- int cp_ctype_free()
- {
- int i;
- csymbol *cs;
- if (cts.stack)
- free(cts.stack);
- if (cs_arr) {
- for (i = 0; i < cs_nr; i++) {
- cs = cp_id_to_csym(i);
- if (csym_type(cs) == FFI_FUNC) {
- if (csym_func(cs)->arg_ids)
- free(csym_func(cs)->arg_ids);
- } else if (csym_type(cs) == FFI_STRUCT) {
- if (csym_struct(cs)->members)
- free(csym_struct(cs)->members);
- }
- }
- free(cs_arr);
- }
- if (cte_arr) {
- free(cte_arr);
- }
- return 0;
- }
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